Chapter 4

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Every pony is in the Gala and Princess Twilight is waiting for her friends then Dizzy Twist aka Discord came

Dizzy Twist: Well this looks good I guess just need some chaos that's all

Twilight: Well hello there who are you I never meet you before

Discord's thoughts: Oh no it Princess Twilight what should I do OK calm down your unicorn they won't know who you really are OK you can do this

Dizzy Twist: Well hello miss I am new here and this is my first Gala

Twilight: I knew you are new so what's your name and my name is Princess Twilight

Dizzy Twist: My name is Dizzy Twist

Twilight: Well Dizzy Twist welcome to the Gala have fun

Dizzy Twist: Oh I sure will....I sure will in deed hehehe

Twilight: What was that

Dizzy Twist: Oh nothing bye princess

Twilight raised her eye brow but shake her thoughts and waited for her friends to come

30 minutes

Dizzy Twist: Oh my gosh where is Fluttershy or my plan will be ruined

Discord then hear her name then turned his head and saw her beauty

Dizzy Twist(thoughts): Wow she is the most beautiful mare I ever seen oh no she is coming stay calm and remember the plan

Fluttershy: Hi are you new in town

Dizzy Twist: Oh uh yes I..I am new here my name is Dizzy Twist

Fluttershy: Nice to meet you Dizzy Twist my name is Fluttershy

Dizzy Twist: That's a nice name but you can call me Dizzy if you want

Fluttershy: Oh OK

Dizzy Twist: Well uh

The music played (And you can play the music if you want and it's not mine OK)

Dizzy Twist: Well Fluttershy may I have this d-d-dance

Fluttershy: S-Sure

So they went to the dance floor and danced but Discord is looking at Fluttershy's aqua eyes and he can't get his eyes off of her

Dizzy Twist: You look beautiful

Fluttershy: T-Thank you *blushes*

1 hour later

Every pony went home and Fluttershy and Dizzy Twist aka Discord went outside and he is taking her home after he made it to her cottage

Dizzy Twist: Well I'm glad I meet you can we meet again you know he he

Fluttershy: Well you know maybe tomorrow for tea is that ok

Dizzy Twist: Yeah sure see you tomorrow

Fluttershy: See you tomorrow

So Discord went and teleport to his cave and turn him back to his real form

Discord: Wow that was amazing I danced with the beautiful mare

Reflection Discord: Looks like you forgot

Discord:Oh no the plan well she is my friend and I am having tea with her maybe I can ask her weakness

Reflection Discord: Good plan go and get some sleep

Discord: Yeah I should good night

He snapped his fingers and got a bed he laid down and look at his lion paw and eagle claw but then his mind went to Fluttershy and he fell asleep dreaming about her and him dancing at the Gala

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