Chapter 1: Crying Lightning

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Summary: On a holiday trip, the Bellas and Trebles are in a plane crash and find themselves on a deserted island. When hunger, depression and sadness creeps their way into the feelings of the Bellas and Trebles trying to survive, some may show a different side of themselves, which they've never shown to anyone before.

"little Alice fell





the hOle,

bumped her head

and bruised her soul"

Chapter 1. Crying Lightning

Sand. It started with sand. There was sand everywhere. In her mouth, in her nose, in her ears and eyes. Beca Mitchel felt like she was drowning into the cold, wet, sand she was feeling everywhere. She was sinking, drowning. She struggled to wake up, but she couldn't. She couldn't breathe. She was losing. Losing the struggle to survive. Losing her consciousness. Losing everything she was and had been. She was falling. And she was falling hard.


Beca's deep blue eyes opened as she woke with a groan. Her eyes met some sparkling green ones, but those eyes were bloodshot and filled with tears.

"Beca, can you hear me? Are you ok?"

Those orbs were Stacie's, filled with something Beca hadn't seen before. Sadness, fear, concern and grief was written all over her pale face. She looked at the brunette like she was about to die. Was she?

She tried to sit up, before she noticed a sharp and burning pain in her head. As she reached for it, she felt a wound bleeding on the right on her forehead. Several streams of blood ran over her face.

"You shouldn't move too much, you're very badly injured." Stacie said concerned. "I'm fine" the brunette assured her as she stood up with the help of the taller one.

When she finally got up, she saw the world spinning before her eyes and she lost her balance. Stacie grabbed her, before she could fall on the sand once again.

"Are you ok? Are you feeling dizzy?"

"I'm... I..." Beca managed to say before she collapsed into Stacie's arms. The brunette laid her gently down on the sand, before she tried to wake her up.

"Beca! Can you hear me?!



A few hours earlier...


"Here are seat 20C and 20D" Beca said to Chloe. The redhead smiled nervously. She really wasn't feeling too good. "Do you want to sit near the window?" The small brunette thought, maybe it would help her to relax.

"No thanks, I'll just sit to your left"

The two sat down on their seats. Chloe was happy she sat next to the freshman. She wasn't used to flying and felt really uncomfortable about it, but this time it was more than usual. She really had a bad feeling about this trip, like something was going to happen. But the woman didn't want to think about that. Look at all of her Bellas looking happy, picking their seats and cheering excitedly. She really shouldn't worry so much.

Beca's case was exactly the opposite. Beca used to visit her mom, who had moved to the other side of the country after divorcing her dad. She was getting used to flying. But even she felt something different tonight. She was a little nervous. Maybe it was because she sat next to Chloe, maybe it was something else, she didn't know.

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