Part 1

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Okay my little cookies!!! I will give you ten per chapter just so it is not constant loading which is annoying.  -_-

Here are your first fears:

1. Ablutophobia- Fear of baths/showers or washing in general.

2. Acrophobia- Fear of heights.

3. Lachanophobia- Fear of vegetables.

4. Melissophobia- Fear of bees. (Not wasps, bees. Like bumblebees. )

5. Thalassophobia- Fear of the sea. (imagine if Percy Jackson had this. XP)

6. Venustraphobia- Fear of beautiful women. (Luv this one! XD)

7. Gnosiophobia- Fear of knowledge.

8. Felinophobia- Fear of cats. (There are actually a lot of different names for this.)

9. Carnophobia- Fear of meat. (This, my cookies, is why we have vegetarians)

10. Aulophobia- Fear of flutes.


So there we go my cookies!!!

Comment if any apply to you!!!

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