Her life as a teenager..

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Her Mothers' POV

"You know, for a 14 year old. She has a lot going on. A lot more than a normal teenager."

I sit and look at her baby pictures. How did all this happen? I didn't want this type of life for her. Normal children only have to deal with maybe the loss of a family member. Weather it be threw a death or them leaving.

My best friend studies me for a sign on how to respond I guess.

"Yeah. She does." 

"I don't know what I did to make her have this life. I've always wished for the best for her. "

"You didn't do anything Gianna. Zuelyn loves you. She knows you didn't do anything wrong. Don't you dare blame yourself for the things her father did."

"But I let him hurt her. I'm suppose to protect her! I let him hurt her."

I can feel the tears rolling down my face. I can't imagine what my baby girl is going through. Zuelyn has a lot going on and always has. I wish I could protect her. I never can tell when she's hurting, she hides everything.

"Gianna, I got to go. I'll see you around, okay? Be careful."

I wave bye to Ashley. She's a big help.

After a while I decide to head home. I get to face my daughter. I'm actually kind of happy we live so far away. It takes about an hour of a car ride and an hour of listening to 'Piece by Piece' by Kelly Clarkson for me to be able to face Zuelyn.

"Hey, Zuelyn. We should go somewhere. It will be fun. You look like you need some fresh air. I'll take you anywhere you want. How about we go to Michael's craft store? That always cheers you up."

She just looks at me. With a blank face. She barely moves her lips when she talks.

"Yeah. Okay. We can go. But my head really hurts."

She looks up at me and she looks horrible. She looks tired, but drained. Emotionally and physically.

"Okay. Let me change my clothes and grab some money. Then we will go. So get ready."

She goes into her room and I go into mine. I look around my room to find something to wear and some money. I reach my dresser and pull out a couple of the drawers. I look in the dresser and finally find it.

"There it is."

I grab the money and change. Then try to be fast to get into the living room and wait for Zuelyn.

Turns out she was waiting for me. She cleaned up how she looks but you can tell she's depressed. But i try to ignore it. We go into the car and drive to Michaels. The first isle she goes down is the drawing isle. You know, the isle with the sketching pads and the sketching pencils. She turns to me.

"How much do we have to spend?"

"Just grab what you want and we will go from there. Okay?"

She grabs sketching pencils and 2 sketching pads. Then we hurry to the jewelry isle. The isle with all the beads and the wire and string. She grabs 5 different types of beads. I have no clue how much it costs but at this point I don't care, as long as it makes her happy. Now she's looking at all the types of fabrics. I'm guessing she's done now so I grab everything and go to the checkout.

*Beep.Beep.Beep.Beep.* That's all I hear are the beeps.

"Your total is $31.47."

I was very surprised. After I pay I look at the receipt. Turns out the only thing she got that cost a lot was the sketching pencils. They were $10 and all the beads she got were on sale for about a dollar or so. That's one thing about Zuelyn, she doesn't like spending everyone's money so she buys things that aren't that expensive.

Even after the trip to her favorite store she isn't happy. I can see it. We simply head home and go to sleep. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Hopefully.

It's hard to see her like this. It's worse than usual, since her and her dad had a talk which turned into a hard fight. I still don't know all the details. I just wish I could fix her. No matter how much sleep she gets, she never seems like she's fully fine. Yeah, she jokes around with stuff but you know her happiness is sometimes just an act. It hurts sometimes, knowing she's hurting and no one knows. Ever since she was younger, she has had things going on. The only thing is her father basically started all this. Everything just got worse after that.

She doesn't act like a normal 14 year old. She had to grow up and I know that. I wonder if she ever wanted to be like a normal 14 year old. I wasn't like her. I was childish. I got to be a kid and enjoy it. She didn't get to have that type of childhood, that was stolen from her.

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