Chapter 4

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*August 21, 2015*

Hell is what I've been through. Today at lunch Carly and Jamie showed the entire school a photo of me and gave a speech of how I was a loser. So this was what they where planning the whole time. I ran out of the lunch room and to my house. I did two cuts on each wrist and four on each thigh. I cried and cried. I had massages from Eva and Alec. Some were from Jax and dad. I answered none of them. I'm now currently sitting on the bridge that leads to the interstate. It had water and rocks below it. It was at least a twenty foot drop. I sat deciding if I wanted to jump or not.

*Alec's POV*

I've been calling Reagan for the last hour trying to see where she is. She's been missing for about five hours. The police have been looking for her, but can't find her. The love of my life is somewhere in this town. I jumped up from my bed and grabbed a flashlight. I ran out the door and put my hood up since it was raining. I knew the one place Reagan would go to think. The bridge.

The bridge was away from everyone and had a beautiful waterfall a little hike north. We found it together last thanksgiving. I reached the bridge and saw Reagan. Oh no. "Reagan! What are you doing?!" I yelled to her. Reagan was on the edge and was about to jump.

*Reagan's POV*

Alec ran closer to me. "Don't come any closer, Alec. I want to leave this world. I might see my mother." I said as I moved closer to the edge. "Please, don't do it." He said.
"Why not? I want to leave this world of hate." I said as I move closer away from him, away from suffering.
"Because..........." Alec trailed off. I had enough of this "because of what Alec?!?! My life have been a living hell ever since I moved here! I want to die!" I was about to jump. "Because I love you!" I heard Alec say those words, I was surprised.
"You love me?"
"Yes. I love the way that your laugh is contagious. I love the way that you blush when you're embarrassed. I love how your eyes are original. I love it when you have such a concern look when I tell you about stuff. I love it when you take pictures and you want it to be perfect. I love you Reagan."

I started to cry. "Now all you have to do is to move away from the bridge and come towards me." Alec said with his hand out. I looked at the water and back to Alec. "I'm so sorry, but I can't. I love you too. Tell my dad and Jax that I love them too." I said. With that I ran to jump. The jump was my escape, the door to my freedom. I felt happiness at last, but then I realized. Alec loves me. I had dad and Jax. I don't want to die yet! A hand grabbed my arm. I looked up and saw Alec. He pull be up and sat me on the ground. I curled into a ball in his lap. I sobbed as Alec whispered smoothing things in my ear and rocked me back and forth. I heard him crying also.

The police came. So did the ambulance. I saw my dad and Jax. The paramedics took me to the truck on a stretcher. Well tried. I didn't let go of Alec so he had to take me to the truck. Dad followed us and looked at me. His eyes was filled with worry, sadness, and relief. Also they were watery. Jax came. He hugged me and cried on my shoulder.

We all sat in the ambulance truck as the paramedic made sure I was okay. No one talked. I was still in Alec's lap. I wasn't going to let him go. Hell no, I just found out my crush loves me. I know I tried to jump, but if you were in my situation then how would you feel? It was the only way out.

The hospital was in view. Alec tried to put me on the stretcher. "No!" I yelled. "Reagan you have to let go so-" dad tried to say until I yelled "no!" Jax also tried by saying "come on, sorella." "No!" I yelled once again. Don't they get that I'm not leaving Alec. I tightened my grip on him. "Precious, you have to let go." Alec said and continued "please. The doctors have to check up on you alone." My grip tightened once again. "I don't want to leave you." I said. Alec chuckled. "I'll be right out side the door. I'll never leave you, my precious." The nurses tried again. I went with them, but still held onto Alec's hand until I had to let go.

A hour later, I had a IV in my arm and a hospital gown on. Dad was in the seat on my left while Jax was on my right. Alec was laying in the bed with me. I was still traumatized. The doctor gave me meds to help me sleep. The next four days I have to stay in the hospital.

As long as I have Alec, everything will be fine.

So sorry guys. I gave up wattpad  for lent. I'll update more to make it up for you!

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