♡ Orange Juice ♡ [Sanji x Reader]

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The sobs and wails of a certain orange haired busty navigator broke through the stale sea air. Previously, it had been an established (and heavily emphasized) rule among the crew to not go near Nami's orange grove without permission, no matter what. Yet here we are, in the midst of a sudden interrogation conducted by the petrified woman.

"Who touched my oranges without permission?" She was seething, it was as if we could see steam shooting from her ears as she went down the line of male crew members, giving them each a strong back-handed whack. 

Thankfully she automatically assumed it was the guys and not you, because you were the culprit. Your strong craving for orange juice caused you to stab your close friend in the back, not that you felt too bad anyway, you were preoccupied with another feeling that was quickly washing over you. You watched in irritation and a tinge of jealousy as Sanji quickly stood up next to Nami and came to her defense.

"Which one of you morons would do such a thing to my Nami-swannnn?!~"
A chorus of  "not me's" assaulted your ears as you successfully snuck off to ignore Sanji's persistent flirtatious attitude and idolization of Nami. You knew the one place that no one would ever look for the missing oranges would be in Franky's Workshop, mainly because Luffy and Usopp will be the two most likely blamed for the horrendous deed.

Cracking open the heavy wooden door, you slid in to Franky's Workshop with ease, resembling a shadow. That's what you were really known for in the battlefield, your stealth and ability to go completely undetected. It came in handy for pulling orange heists such as this one. Rummaging through his many wooden crates you soon felt the soft, dimpled flesh of your precious treasure. Plucking one out from the crate you lifted it up to eye level and inspected it to make sure it was to your liking. No overly soft spots, no tears, no rotting. Lifting it up further, you felt the orange flesh against your lips as you deeply inhaled it's scent.

You all had been out at sea without any glimpse of land for what felt like years, and frankly you were getting tired for drinking water and Zoro already inhaled all the booze. You wouldn't normally smuggle off Nami's prized possessions but you were feeling a bit spiteful. The continuous flirting Sanji had been spewing at her left a bitter taste in your mouth. Sanji was very well known for his flirtatious behavior and woman-loving ways, yet he never would act that way with you. He treated you the way he would treat Chopper; with utter kindness and mild annoyance when you "acted up."

Now, you didn't need the validation of a man, especially the euro-cook, to feel beautiful and wanted. You knew you constantly turned heads when you'd all step foot on a new island, maybe more-so than Nami and Robin. You were a confident badass b*tch, but for some reason you constantly craved to be referred to as "[Y/n]-swan" in that sing-song way of his. You had gotten lost in the sent of the citrus and didn't realize you had company. Apparently the interrogation had ended in Luffy and Usopp apologizing for no reason just to avoid Nami's continued wrath.

The smell of the citrus was replaced with a familiar yet strong cologne, which you recognized instantly to be Sanji's. 

"You let two innocent men take the blame." The scent of his cigarette was tickling your nostrils and irritating you even further. In protest you decided to completely ignore his existence. Your decision to ignore him angered him even more, "And for what? Did you want to break Nami's heart? Did you want to get Luffy and Usopp in trouble? Answer me!"

Your answer came out in a hushed whisper, not being able to find your voice to admit to the man standing a mere few feet behind you, "How did you find me?"

Sanji stepped forward in an attempt to close the gap between you two further and to be able to hear your unsatisfactory answer, "What was that? Speak up, I can't hear you."

"How did you find me?"
"Contrary to popular belief, The Thousand Sunny isn't that big. There's only a limited number of rooms and it took me all of five minutes to find you."

"Why did you look for me?"
"Because I saw you had disappeared off somewhere and I decided to investigate without causing alarm so I left when Nami told me she could handle it herself, that was until after I threatened to starve everyone. Will you answer my original question already?"


Sanji was infuriated that you wouldn't face him and continued to avoid the matter at hand here so he zoomed towards you and ripped you off the ground, pressing you against Franky's workbench after flipping you around to face him. He had such a tight grip on your forearms it caused you to drop the orange you still had a hold on.

Your eyes were the size of the moon* as you studied Sanji's rugged facial features highlighted by his red and sweaty, yet clear skin. The unusual coloration showed he really meant business.

"Answer me."

You couldn't take his incessant one-eyed stare that bore all the way to the back of your skull any longer. You wanted to hide your face and slouch to the floor in frustration and embarrassment over what you were about to admit, except you opted to just avoid his gaze once more instead, seeing that he had you strongly pinned.

"I took them to make orange juice."

Sanji's angry expression was immediately taken over by a confused and mildly annoyed one. His curly brow twitched as he began to process your childlike answer. He deeply exhaled, smoke billowing around your face causing you to further look away.

"Then why didn't you just ask her."

You quickly turned yourself to look him dead in the eye as the smoke cleared, "I stole them out of spite. I'm sick of her getting all the attention and I wanted to hurt her in some way, like how she constantly has been hurting me since our reunion on the Sabaody Archipelago."

Sanji's brow furrowed, "How has Nami been hurting you? She's an absolute angel!"

You brought your knee up and rested it on Sanji's lower stomach, pushing on it in order to release yourself from his vice-like hold, "That's how you fucking idiot!"

As you continued your word vomit, you pushed further and harder on Sanji's stomach trying to break free, "I'm sick of her being seen as some angelic being who can do no wrong. I'm sick of you giving her all your god damn attention and treating me like I'm just your 'bro' or something. I want to be flirted with, I want to be treated like royalty, I want you to come to my defense in the blink of an eye."

Sanji had fallen silent and so did his hands from your arms. You bent down to collect your stolen goods and go but Sanji quickly crouched down with you. He lifted your chin up and pushed a few loose strands of hair out of your (e/c) eyes.

"The reason I don't flirt with you is because believe it or not, you intimidate me. Which is also the reason why I don't defend you, because you don't need defending. You're the strongest woman I've ever seen and can hold your own against any man you'll ever face. That fact alone mixed with your everlasting beauty and personality can land you any man, one a thousand times stronger and more powerful than me. You deserve to be flirted with by men like Shanks, Mihawk, or Law, not lil ole me."

You could tell he was straining to keep the smile plastered on his face, as if gravity was completely against the idea of Sanji faking happiness and tried to force an end to it.

The sincerity that mingled with hesitation that had coated his voice during his declaration had been enough of an indicator that it was completely true. You studied his face once more, the smile had long faded as he patiently waited for some sort of response from you.

Mustering up any ounce of courage you had left, you leaned forward and plucked the cigarette from the blonde man's mouth, placing it in yours. After a long, and presumably sexy, draw of the cigarette you blew the smoke in Sanji's face, leading him over the edge.

Sanji cupped your cheeks in his craftsmanship inducing hands as he slammed his soft tobacco coated lips on yours. Before you could respond to the kiss, he pulled back. It was over as quickly as it has started. You whimpered in irritation that he would have the audacity to tease you in such a way.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself." The blonde man said sheepishly as he gently took the cigarette from you.

"Now, let's go make you that under the table orange juice." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2016 ⏰

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