Looks always decieve

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Aliya shrunk her eyes as the doors of the truck opened. Her heavily beating heart jolted giving her an arrhythmia. She was reluctant to open her eyes as she was very sure that was Arush. But a sudden thud made her open them to see a carton placed by two men dressed in grey jump suits right in front of the one she was hiding behind. She huffed some air in relief relaxing her tensed body realising it was not Arush.

After loading two cartons of empty bottles, those men left to get more. wondering if Arush has left, She stayed for a while in her hiding contemplating weather to make a move or not. While she was still there the men returned with one more carton and shut the door immediately.
Inspite of knowing she was stuck there, She didn't make a sound and sat there quite as she thought she would be safe in the truck than go out and make a
scene and drag people's and mostly Arush's attention to her. She decided to wait until the truck stops in its next destination.
Unfortunately the truck did not stop for five hours during which she strived for water being thirsty and lost energy during her run. Finally when she was about to pass out the truck stopped, she gathered all her strength to get down. She moved past the plastic cartons and went near the door. Slowly she nudged it to open but found out that the door was shut. She panicked at the thought of being trapped in the truck for more time as she was already dehydrated and hypoglycemic.
With out thinking twice she banged the door hard and loud. In a couple of minutes the door was opened to reveal a beard man in grey jumpsuit with a confused look on his face looking at a young girl inside his truck.
The sudden gush of lightening made Aliya cover her face with her one arm while holding the edge of the trunk for support and looked through the gap between her fingers at the man in front of her.
He was a middle aged man wearing a black turban on his head and his lower half of face was fully covered by his thick beard with an unsuccessful attempt of covering up his scars which were giving him a scary appearance. His sight appealed negatively to her as at this point she was done trusting anyone around her. She scanned the place hurriedly to find a chance to escape.

"Who are you Beti? Why are you hiding in my truck?" He enquired addressing her as Beti (daughter).

Aliya was confused as his words were totally antagonising his looks. She decided to answer him but could not form any words in her haggard state.
Understanding her thoughts the man moved forward offering her his hand to help her get down the truck. Without accepting his offer she tried to get down herself but ended up falling forward on her limbs in front of the man.
The man understood her fear and moved back to let her get up herself and directed her towards the chair near by a table which is full of dusty files.

"Don't worry Beti., I won't hurt you. Take a seat and drink some water." He told her offering her a bottle of water and fatherly concern.
She got up on her own and moved slowly towards the chair. The sight of the bottle full of water gave her more energy to reach for it instantly. She opened the cap of the bottle quickly and gulped down the entire bottle of water.
When she put the empty bottle down on the table and looked up she was surrounded by ten several other men dressed in grey jumpsuits. She startled at their sight and got up from her chair immediately ready to run. But the beard man from before stepped forward and calmed her down
"Are.. Beti don't panic at them. They all work here and are not going to do anything to you."
He turned around and yelled at them angrily
"You guys are scaring her. Why don't you all mind your business."
The crowd that gathered began to thin down whispering something among each other. 
Aliya relaxed a bit but she was not up to trusting anyone anymore.
"What do you want to eat Beti?" The man asked her affectionately sensing that she must be hungry.
She shook her head in denial as staying around wasn't her plan anymore even when she was offered some source of energy.
"Sir.. I.. I need to leave.." She told him pleading with her eyes to let her go.
"Trust me dear.. I will help you catch the bus for your destination once you eat something. From the way you look, you might collapse any moment now." He said concerned at her condition.

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