Chapter 1

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I ran out the building holding his hand. I looked back to see hundreds of people flooding out as well. Wow! We really did it! Suddenly he pulls me in front of him and onto the floor, as he did that the building exploded. I looked up into his beautiful brown eyes, to see him staring but into mine. He brushed my hair back behind my ear and smiled. I blushed and laughed, I placed my hand on his chest and pushed him up gently. He stood up then proceed to help me up. We walked away from the scene (more like ran) and stopped when he thought we were safe.

Once we had our breath back I found myself getting lost in his eyes again, my angel side begging me to claim what is mine. He stared back at me smiling with a goofy grin.
"What now?" I asked him.
"Well I could do this" he said as he placed his hands on my hips. "Then this" he pulled me closer. "Then finally this" he whispered as he placed his lips on mine. This kiss wasn't rough or lustful. It was full of meaning. He pulled my hips into his. I wrapped my arms around his neck wishing he'd never let me go.
I bolted awake. I looked around me. Of course he's not here. I started to cry silently. When I felt as though I couldn't be quiet I let out the biggest sob I've ever released. This proceed to wake up my partner on this mission.
"Ash? Ash what's wrong?" Steven said as he sat on my bed and wrapped his arms around me. I couldn't say anything I just sobbed.
"Ash please I need to know" he pleaded.
"Adam!" I screamed his name. This made my sobs become louder. "This isn't right I did nothing to deserve this!" I continued to get angrier and angrier. Steven wrapped me in a bear hug and ran his fingers through my hair.

Once I calmed down he turned to me.
"You ready to leave?"
"I guess"
In all honesty I wasn't. I was slowly giving up on finding him. We had looked everywhere and we weren't getting any closer to finding him.

Regardless of how I felt I never stopped looking. I knew me finding him was a long shot but, I needed to be with him and to be happy again. I wanted to feel his touch, his hair. I wanted to see his face, his smile, his beautiful brown eyes. I wanted to hear his voice, his laugh, the way he'd whisper sweet nothings in my ear when he was trying to wake me up. I wanted to hear him say 'I love you'. I wanted to see the stupid grin he'd give me when I'd say it back. But most of all. I wanted how happy he made me.

I ran a hand through my blonde hair as I sat shotgun in Stevens Range Rover. Well it was mine but I couldn't drive in the situation I'm in.

I lent over to turn on the radio to hear mine and Adams song. I automatically started crying and shut off the radio instantly.

Adams pov
She wasn't aware of this. I can feel everything she's feeling. I'm feeling all her sadness. I'm dreaming of the day I first plucked up the guts to kiss her. After I blew up that building. I mean we were dating before that but she wanted to go slow. I couldn't help myself that day. She just looked amazing. She kisses amazingly as well.

The people who have me never hurt me, they keep my health up saying I was important to them. They say they need me to get her. There were others here. We were only allowed out of our rooms to eat. That's when we would all plan our escape routes.

Some of the others here could communicate with their partners because they completed the "mating" process. I was we had time to complete it. I need to hear her voice but I can't. I only have the mental image of her. And the emotions she feels. It heartbreaking knowing she feels this way. Simply heartbreaking. But I will get out and I will get back to her. I have to. It's killing me knowing that she has no idea where I am. I'm closer then she thinks. Im always told where she is and if she's getting closer. It's complete torture.

I just wanna stare into her beautiful blue eyes and run my fingers through her soft blonde locks. I want the feeling in the pit of my stomach. The feeling only she can give me.

But I can't have that. It's doubtful that I'll ever get it back. They want her for something, and I have to find out what.

"Hey Adam!" My friend James says as he sits next to me.
"Hey" I reply. I wasn't in the mood for talking to anyone. Especially since he had that massive grin on his face. Every time he had that grin I knew that he'd been speaking to Steven.
"Guess what Steven told me" he said. His eyes gleaming.
"What?" I was starting to get irritated. I want to hear her voice.
"He's found Ash. She's with him. They're both trying to find us" he whispered, my head shot up. All feelings of sadness left my mind.
"He's with her!?" I almost shouted. "Is she okay. Please tell me she's okay"
"She's fine Adam calm down. She's just... I don't know how to put it" he replied facing towards the floor.
"It's not like you have to. I know how she's feeling anyways" I put my head in my hands as a silent tear rolled it's way down my cheeks.
"You still feeling her emotions?"
"Yeah, I was it would stop. I hate knowing I can't make her feel better. It's killing me"
"I know mate" just then the announcement sounded through the speakers, it was time to go back to our rooms. One by one we all left to go back to our rooms.

I reached my door, standing outside of it for a second. I could just run. Run as fast as I can and find a way to escape. I would be able to find my way to her. No. I can't. They'd catch me before I could even make it out. I pushed my door open and made my way in. I walked into the bathroom and splashed my face. I looked up into the mirror and saw that no matter how many times I had splashed my face, the dark circles and tear stains never left.

I walked over to my bed and laid down. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. Successfully I managed. But my last thought, seemed to haunt me. 'When will this nightmare end?'

Authors note
Hey guys. So I decided to write a new book. Almost based about a dream I had. I pictured Perrie Edwards as Ash

I hope you guys like it and leave some feedback if you have the time

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2016 ⏰

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