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     Ok so this story is going to be about a 13 year old girl named Keroshima, or Ky for short. She is what many call a Nightmare Child,"NC's" , these people can, in a way, change the way they look. Basically they change their outward appearance... people call them Nightmare children because they can change into something like that would be in a nightmare. 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  For example: 

•they can change their hand to look like a claw                                 •they can also (if they choose to) can look like a animal           *ears, tail, etc... *                                                                                                ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

they can basically change into any thing they want, if they wanted to they could look like you! 

anyway........ Keroshima's mom knows what she is but her father doesn't. He is one of the many scientists who are trying to learn more about the nightmare children. He doesn't know what she is  and her mom fears that he will eventually find out. And at school she only has 2 or 3 friends. Yugi her closest friend knows what she is and thanks that's "flipin awesome" he will often ask her to have cat ears or a tail or something weird... 

                   匕卄丹れKS 下口尺  尺モ丹刀工れム 

                                    (thanks for reading)

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