New Friend?

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Hey Ky, wait for me! Said Yugi from behind 

Um hey Yugi, where's your book bag? I asked

Huh...oh I don't need that thing.........also its heavy and I just don't want to carry it.  Yugi said 

Well wher...... I started to say before Yugi interrupted me

Ky do the thing, do the thing!!! He suddenly said excitedly 

Shhhhh, wait until we get to my house I don't need anyone  else to know what I am! I whispered 

~4 minutes later~


Ky, do the thing please.... Yugi said 

Ok *clears throat, talks in a funny voice* What is your request? I said almost like a butler a neko 

'Authors note:                                                                                                            for those who don't know, a neko is a humanoid cat person '

Ok........ Tada.  I say 

I now have a tail, ears, and fangs

Wow, I know I've seen this a thousand times but its still really cool. Yugi said with eyes the size of a planet

Oh look what I can do now.... I say to Yugi 

OH MY GOD! That is AMAZING! You look just like me!!!!!! He said

*Space Unicorns plays*

What's that?  I ask

Oh my mom is calling me, I'd better go, bye Ky.He said as he walked away 

~the next day at school~

Kero! I hear

I turn around and I see Yugi running toward me 

Oh hey Yugi. I said back 

Ky did you hear the announcements this morning?!? He tryed say quietly but failed 

No, why? I said

Well someone said they saw a NC at our school, don't think any one saw you yesterday? you? Yugi said worried 

I felt my face turn red

Kero...are you Ok... He said with a slight panic

I need to go...i... I left my books in my locker! I said quickly 

I lied to Yugi and ran into the bathroom. I felt as if I was going to through up. I start to think of how much I would miss this school if I had to move due to another discovery, how much I would miss Yogi my best friend, how much I would miss this school, how much I would miss this town, miss knowing things, to not see the real world ever again, to be experimented on in a lab, seeing my own father on the other side of a glass wall... As I think of all these things I begin to cry....... 

Hello? Are you Ok? I hear someone else say from the outside of the stall

Huh? I say as I wipe my eyes

Are you Ok?  She says again

Y-yah I think s-so. I stuttered 

As I walk out of the stall I'm created by a girl with brown curly hair and she is wearing a school uniform but its different than mine... 

 I'm Madison. She politely said 

Oh I'm Keroshima but people call me Ky for short. I say back

Why where you crying?  She quickly asked


Not going to answer, are you...? She said a little mysterious 

Um, well, I um... 

Does it have something to do with the NC at our school?? She said a smile  

I didn't know what to say, I could be discovered... What do I do

    刀∪れ 刀∪れ 刀∪れ... 匕口 乃モ 匚口れ匕工れ∪モ刀... 

                       {Dun Dun Dun... To be continued}

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