An Arm and a Leg ch. 6

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Chapter 6: An Arm and a Leg

Everyone was staring wide eyed at me. It even looked like Ed and Al had a new found fear of me. I sighed and put on my best smile.
"Sorry about that. I didn't intend for it to go so close to your face", I smiled apologetically at the girl.
She hesitated and then smiled to reassure me that there were no hard feelings. "It's okay. There's no harm done... Anyway, welcome home everyone".
We were all standing in the Rockbell's home moments later and after introductions were made, Winry began inspecting Ed's automail. Let's just say that the wrench was angrily sent flying at a particular alchemist's head.
Edward got his automail removed and had to wear temporary ones until they were repaired in three days. Honestly, I had no idea how Winry could be sitting so close to a shirtless Edward without getting a nosebleed. I, on the other hand, had to excuse myself from the room before I had a fan girl heart attack on the spot.
Anyway, Edward just couldn't stay in one place so he decided to visit his mother's grave to pass the time. I had nothing else better to do so I joined him along with Dan.
We walked in silence. Not an awkward silence, but a comfortable silence. A few folks who recognized Ed hailed him along the way and even mentioned his height (not really a good idea). Nevertheless, they seemed like kind people and I liked them instantly.
Ed and I arrived at his mother's tombstone moments later, where we payed our respects. He placed a flower on the ground and turned to walk back. There was when our interesting conversation started.
"How are you able to use alchemy without a transmutation circle?" He asked.
Oh Ed. He always gets straight to the point. I knew he was going to ask this sometime, so on the train ride I mentally prepared myself.
I shrugged. "How are you able to do the same thing?" I retorted. Answering a question with a question always seemed to buy me time.
He looked away and frowned. He seemed to contemplate my question for a while, thinking if it was really okay to trust me. After a long pause he looked straight ahead.
I waited patiently for what was coming next. I really wanted him to tell me why. Heck, I already knew why, but hearing him tell me will show me that he trusts me. I really want him to trust me.
He opened his mouth to speak. "When Al and I were younger, we used alchemy to try and revive our dead mother. I lost my arm and leg, and Al lost his body. I'm sure you already saw that his armor was hollow", he looked at me as he said this. I nodded slowly.
"I just want to help him regain what our mistakes caused us to lose".
I smiled softly to myself. Heh, he spilled it. Edward actually trusts me (inner happy dance ensued).
"I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for", I replied with a soft grin.
"You still haven't answered my question", he looked at me expectantly.
This was what I feared. Should I tell him that I'm not from this world? Heck, would he even believe me? I don't like lying, and after he showed me that he trusts me I want to show him that I trust him. I sighed at my thoughts.
"Well I don't know if you'll even believe me..."
His golden eyes looked at me curiously as if begging me to tell him my story.
"Lay it on me". As a scientist, Ed has to keep an open mind about everything. My tale included.
"... What if I told you that people can go from one world to the next through the gates?"
Ed just stared at me wide eyed. He was utterly shocked at the statement that had just escaped my lips.
"Wha- what are you saying?"
"Exactly what I just said", I inhaled deeply. "LookIdidn'tintendtocomeintothisworld,Ijustsortofendedupherebecausethegatessuckedmein", I quickly said in one breath.
Ed looked as if he had done a double take. "You're kidding me right?"
"I know you probably don't believe me right now, but that's the truth. I don't belong in this world... actually, I don't even know why I came here in the first place", I avoided eye contact with him. the house was in our sight and we were roughly five minutes away from reaching the front door.
Gotta finish this in five minutes.
"Look, again I don't know. You can't perform alchemy in my world.. at least I don't think you can. There was no way I opened the gates, it just... opened... in my room. It sucked me in with these creepy tiny hands, I met Truth, lost an organ and ended up here", I stated matter-of-factly, looking him in the eyes.
"So that's why you were injured", he mused to himself almost breathlessly.
"Yeah.. I really don't know how to get back, though. Honestly, I don't even know if I actually do want to go back now that I've met you".
He thought the sentence over. Finally, the last part kicked into his mind and he got what I was implying. His eyes widened ever so slightly and his cheeks held a light blush.
I giggled lightly at his sudden change, and finally settled with a smile on my face. With the lighter atmosphere around us, I turned to him.
"Oh and another thing, Ed. Please don't tell anyone else about this. Can this be our little secret?" I looked at him with a pleading shimmer in my eyes. If there's one thing I learned from Keima (anime character from 'The World God Only Knows'. seriously you guys should watch it, its really good.), it's that secrets bring two people closer to each other.
He answered my question with a reassuring look. "I won't tell, but I want more details later".
Ed was thinking that if this girl actually came from another world through the gates, she might have some information about what's inside. She could have some information that'll be helpful to his research (honestly Ed, you have no idea XD). He was still a bit skeptical but kept an open mind nonetheless.
Avril on the other hand was thinking about the fact that she had shared her secret with Ed. She didn't intend to tell him, really it just sort of happened. Edward, however did not need to know that he was actually an anime character and she knew everything that would happen to him in the future. Avril's notorious for doing actions on the spur of the moment (see wrench scene, Scar fighting scene and train fighting scene for reference).
Ed and I soon reached the house in less than a minute. My eyes were brimming with relief and Ed's were bubbling with excitement at his new information.

This next part is kind of like a filler. It really holds no purpose in the story (kinda... I might bring it up later). I just wanted a little bit more AvrilxEd before the chapter ended :P Read if you want to. (Please read ^-^)

The evening soon died down and the night fell over the town like a blanket. I was laying on my bed with my earphones plugged into my ears. I was only able to use my device when I was alone. I mean I could use it when Ed was around now that he knew my secret (I really wanted to show it to him), but with Winry about, that thought was a bad idea. She'll probably snatch it and disassemble it when she has a chance.
The fast-paced song shuffled into a more slow and melodious beat. I sighed deeply in contentment when the lyrics poured into my ears.

'Playground schoolbell rings, again.
Rain clouds come to play, again.'

I rolled over to my right, propping my head onto my hands.

'Has no one told you she's not breathing.
Hello, I'm your mind giving you someone to talk to... hello.'

I sighed and sat myself up. The slow beat continued as I reluctantly took the earphones out, paused the song, and turned off my IPod. I glanced about the dark room until I found my backpack and shoved the device in its rightful spot.
I plopped back down onto the bed and rolled over. Fifteen minutes later I deemed myself an insomniac. I just can't sleep in new places unless someone was with me. Childish, I know, but I can't find comfort in new sleeping areas unless that someone was somewhere in the room. And I need comfort to sleep.
I grabbed my soft bunny plushie (something I transmuted earlier that day), and walked out into the hallway. The hall seemed eerily longer in the darkness and my feet softly padded against the floor as I made my way to a certain door.
I could've chosen Winry's room, but I wasn't too familiar with her; and honestly if a person had to choose between her room and a 'certain someone's' room, I'm sure they would chose the latter.
I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, thinking over exactly what stunt I would be pulling. I opened the door and exhaled, and was greeted by the most adorable sight ever.
Edward was curled up on his bed, golden hair loose and mouth slightly gaped. He was laying on his right side with one hand on his stomach. The blanket crumpled and creased around him. (just think about that, its sooo cute *fangirls*)
I quietly swore under my breath, as I had underestimated exactly how attractive he would look while sleeping. A small blush tinted my cheeks when I realized Al had been watching me stare at Ed in fascination.
I waved at the half beaten armor and walked towards him.
"Hi Al", I whispered.
"Hello, Avril", he replied in a hushed tone. "What are you doing here?"
"I can't sleep in new places by myself", I admitted sheepishly. "so I thought that I could sleep in here for the night".
Al cocked his head in Ed's direction.
"There's only one bed.. I don't know how brother would feel if you got in".
Was it just me, or did Al have a slight teasing edge to his tone?
"I'm sure he'll be alright with it. It's only for one night... I think"
Al sounded a bit skeptical. "I'm still not sure, but I guess it's ok".
I gave him a warm smile. "Thanks, Al. Goodnight".
I strolled over to where Ed was laying, shaking ever so slightly. First I met my anime crush and now I'm going to be sleeping in the same bed as him?! This is just too much for my little fangirling heart to manage.
I exhaled deeply. With a every step I took, a new shade of blush hit my cheeks and by the time I was at the edge of the bed, my face was beet red.
Ok girl... you got this. Just climb into bed and go to sleep. Do Not think about how incredibly attractive Ed is right now. Damn my freaking hormones...
I tried to slide as graciously onto the sheets as I could, trying not to wake up a golden haired chibi. Finally I settled into I curled position facing the opposite direction of Ed.
No way in hell am I looking at him. Nope.. I'll never get to sleep.
Hugging the plushie tightly, I tried to push out my thoughts and calmed my heart beat. Soon I was lulled into slumber by my own repetitive thoughts.


The birds crowed, signaling the start of a new day. Sunlight streamed in though the cracks in the blinds and shone directly on Ed's closed eyelids.
His mind slowly wheeled into reality and he realized that something soft was pressed against him. Or rather, he was pressed against something soft. More preferably, a body.
His eyes shot open at that hypothesis and he was greeted by a familiar tangle of curly, brunette hair. If the thoughts racing through his mind didn't already make him nervous that he had slept next to a girl, he realized what position he had just woken up in.
He was still lying on his right side, facing the female. His body was pressed against hers, with one knee resting on her thigh. To top it off like icing on a cake, he was hugging her stomach tightly with his left arm as if he wanted to hold her close to him and never wanted to let go. (c'mon Ed, you know you do xD)
His faced turned fifty shades of red as he scrambled to create as much distance between the two as the size of the bed would allow. The sudden movement caused Avril to wake and she groggily sat up to face a flustered and blushing Edward.
He pointed his shaking finger at the girl. "Y-you! Avril! What the HELL were you doing in my bed?!"
She was hugging the bunny plushie lightly to her breast and her clothes sagged around her shoulders. Her hair was pretty messed up (as well as Ed's) and she looked at the boy with half-closed lids.
"I'm sorry Ed", her voice was soft and barely audible. To Edward it was pretty... Cute.
This thought caused him to blush even harder and he made sure to avoid any eye contact at all times.
"I just can't sleep in a new place without anyone with me... sorry if I disturbed you", a blush was apparent on her cheeks as well.
He snapped his head in her direction, eyes obviously asking for forgiveness.
"No no no. You didn't disturb me.. it's just that... I didn't expect to be so close to you.. and ... and", he turned his head away and lowered his voice. "you're kinda cute when you sleep".
He made sure to mutter that last part under his breath so that no one heard him. Unfortunately for him, Avril happened to catch wind of what he said. She smiled on the outside and had a fangirl party of absolute joy on the inside (A.K.A she was screaming her head off mentally and doing happy dances off the wall).
"Really? Thanks Ed!" she was fully awake now that she heard that compliment.
Ed, realizing that he had been heard, just blushed even deeper. The two sat on the bed making occasional glances at each other with blushes all around.
Alphonse on the other hand, had seen everything and was quite amused by his brother's actions.
Really, what a way to start your morning.


Aaaannnnddddd done! yay a new chapter! sorry for the long wait, I actually had this written about a week ago but I didn't finish it. Procrastination is my middle name and school has not been making it any better *sobs*. so I said to myself that I'll finish it in one sitting and I did! I really didn't intend to let Avril spill so early in the story... it just sorta happened. I guess I'll work something out and alter the story as I go. The dialogue for the 'spill the beans' scene was kinda tough. i didn't know how Ed would really react to a situation like that so if he seems a little OOC, sorry for that. for the last part.. I just had to write that bed scene! I didn't have enough scenes with Ed and Avril getting all close so I decided to write it on the spur of the moment.. I wonder if you liked it (hope you did). Anyway bye-nee!

Oh btw the song I used is:
Evanescence- Hello

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