Chapter 2

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"Dammit!" I hissed punching buttons on a cash machines "Stupid American currency!"

"Why don't I help you with that Serena." Allison offered kindly.

I looked at her gratefully. She started the buttons I would need to access my family funds and activate my credit card.

"We need to get the mall soon Allison. There's a sale at Victoria's Secret and I'm interested in a new playsuit." Lydia said impatiently.

"Sorry Lydia. This is my fault." I said sheepishly.

She narrowed her eyes at me and smiled.

"Don't worry about it....sweetie." Lydia said crisply. Turning sharply, she sashayed away, heels clacking against the mall's tiled floor.

"You know where I'll be." She called over her shoulder.

"She'll warm up to you." Allison promised me grimly "She's just a bit wary about strangers."

I glanced at her. "Do you think the fact that I'm a wolf is bothering her?" I questioned.

I saw her stiffen, almost imperceptibly. "Yeah, maybe..." she said quietly.

"Holy crap! Your family is rich?! Er I mean-" Allison stuttered.

I raised an eyebrow. "Were rich. " I corrected, smiling bitterly.

Allison looked at me apologetically. "My mother's dead." She blurted out.

I looked her straight in the eye. "I'm truly sorry." I said sincerely.

She just gave me a thin smile. "Here's your card." She mumbled.

"Thanks Allison. I appreciate it." I said grinning "Now let's go find Lydia so I can charm you both into being my friends."

She chuckled. "Good luck!" She said jokingly.


About 2 hours of therapeutic shopping later, we were all giggling while we walked to Allison's car.

"Let's try not to ram into anymore physco animals tonight, Allison." Lydia sighed.

I looked at her questionably. "What do you mean, Lyd?"

She raised her eyebrows at the nickname but accepted it. I internally fist pumped.

"Some insane deer completely shattered my windshield last night." She said crossly.

"It was crazy. I've never seen anything like it." Allison added shaking her head.

I frowned. "Poor thing."

Allison nodded in agreement.

Suddenly I caught a whiff of alcohol, marijuana, and sweat. Several men, possibly large in stature, possibly armed and cocky, were approaching.

"Allison," I said evenly "Get in the car with Lydia."

Allison looked at me curiously. "Why?" She asked.

Lydia looked at me. "What do you smell Serena?" She asked with a worried expression.

"Just get in the car and let's go!" I ordered.

Allison jumped but began fumbling through her purse for keys. Lydia began tapping her foot anxiously. Loud, obnoxious laughter began to come closer and closer to where we were parked in the practically empty parking lot.

In the distance, I could see five figures, all male and some stumbling from drunkenness.

"Allison? Keys?" I urged her.

"I...I..I can't find them!" She said digging frantically around in her purse.

"Welllllll what do we have over here boys? Larry! Juan! Get your asses over here and come have a look." A man in his mid-twenties with a beer gut the size of Texas and an accent to match drawled.

I growled and positioned myself protectively in front of Allison and Lydia. I heard Allison pull out a knife as the men came nearer.

"Leave us alone." I warned them.

Big Texas, who seemed to be somewhat in charge, got all up in my face.

"Oh ho ho. I don't think so girlie. You and your little friends look like a good time." He leered at me.

"Go away before I destroy every single one of you." I snarled.

Fatty just through back his head and laughed. "I'd like to see you try, little one." He sneered "Have at it boys!" He announced gleefully.

I heard Lydia scream get cut off short as a tall bald man clapped a hand over her mouth. Allison had managed to slice one of them's arm, but she had lost her knife and was being overpowered quickly.

I turned to face Big Texas and found him advancing on me slowly. I felt my eyes turn blue and my canines grew. His eyes grew wide.

"What the fu-" he choked before I smashed his head in to Allison's car window.

I turned, snarling, on the others and extended my claws. They all turned to look at me and froze, seeing my wolfish features and looking terrified. I bared my teeth and lunged at the man who had his hands around Allison's throat. I jumped on his back and jabbed a punch into his throat and then his temple, causing him to fall in a heap on the ground. An guy who looked like he had been on steroids ever since he hit puberty then rushed at me, holding Allison's knife aloft. I flipped backwards onto my hands to avoid the knife and pushed myself off the ground and kicked him in the jaw. I used my advanced strength to grab his arm and force the knife into his buddies' shoulder. He cried in pain when I shoved the blade in deeper with the heel of my hand. This had all happened so quickly that the other moron had only just wore out of his shock and started sprinting away. I easily swiped his legs out of under him and slammed his body in to the pavement. I stood up, blood and adrenaline rushing through my veins. I took a deep breath to calm myself. I remembered Allison and Lydia a few feet away, and hastily reigned in my inner wolf.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked them gently.

"You fight like no one I've ever seen!" Allison said looking stunned.

I gave a slight smile. "I've had many years of training." I replied shrugging.

"Are they dead?" Allison asked me, taking a look at Big Texas.

"No. They aren't." Lydia said in a monotone.

I looked at her curiously. "And how did you know that Lydia?" I asked her.

"I just did okay." She snapped.

I put my hand on her shoulder apologetically.

"I believe you. I'm sorry I asked. Are you alright?" I asked her soothingly.

"I just want to go home." She moaned.

"I'll take you." Allison assured her "Serena do you need a ride anywhere?"

I thought about it. "Take me to the hospital please."

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