Chapter 4

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                      ~Naomi's Pov~

My alarm went off,I slammed my hand on it to shut it off.I stumbled out of bed thinking about what happened yesterday.I shook my head.I walked into the bathroom and hot Into the shower.Once I was done I put on some jeans a red/maroon sweater a beanie and some white and red converse.After that I curled my hair and did my makeup.I grabbed my backpack and took a peak at my phone.It was 7:30.I decided to walk to school.I slowly closed the house door and began to walk.

           ~Skipping the walk to school~

I opened the school door and say kids talking in groups.I could hear laughter once again and I instantly knew it was because of me."Hey."I heard a familiar voice say,I turned to see Chase.He wasn't with the Grayson or Alex."Aren't you gonna call me a hoe or bitch?" I asked with sarcasm."No..." he said trailing off."Well why wouldn't you?" I asked."Can we just change the subject?" he asked."Umm sure." I replied."Well there's a party at Alex's house tonight and I was wondering maybe if you wanted to go with me?" he asked."Why would I want to go with you after what you did to me." I said with anger.

                    ~Chase's Pov~

She was right,why would she want to go with me after what I did to her.God I'm suck a idiot."I'm truly sorry I don't know what I was thinking,I LOVE YOU NAOMI WATSON AND IM SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR WHAT I DID TO YOU PLEASE FORGIVE ME I LOVE YOU!!!" I yelled out thinking everyone heard.

                 ~Naomi's Pov~

My eyes widened after what he said.I stood still not knowing what to say.He glared at me."I umm.." I didn't finish my sentence.The bell rang."I umm gotta get to class." I said with a weak smile as I ran off.I walked into science and sat down.The teacher started talking as a announcement came on."THE SCHOOL IS IN LOCK DOWN A SHOOTER HAS BROKEN INTO THE SCHOOL I....." the announcement stopped as a gun sound went off."Ok class get into formation I'm going to shut off the lights,lock the door,and shut the blinds."Miss Tash said. I looked around not seeing Chase.Where is he I thought to myself.

                      ~Chase's Pov~

I heard the announcement from the boys bathroom.I peeked out the door.I heard screams and gun shots.I started to get worried about Naomi.I saw a shadow and closed the door but no all the way.I looked through the crack seeing it's not just one man it's 10 men.They were heading for science,that's where Naomi was.I had to stop them.

                    ~Naomi's Pov~

The door handle started to jiggle a bit.Then it busted open.I saw 10 men but none of them saw me or the class.They made hand signals to each other so they could look around.I sneezed,Uh oh.One of the men made a hand jestute that was my way.I then knew they saw me.One of them grabbed me and then left the room with the gun pointed to my stomach,

                     ~Chase's Pov~

I saw the men walk out with Naomi.No. I have to do something I thought.But what? I stepped out of the bathroom yelling at the men.

                     ~Naomi's Pov~

I heard a BAM and Police sirens in the back ground then.....

What happens to Naomi?Did Chase  save her or die?Did she die?Find out in the next chapter.

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