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A few changes have been made.

Zero's Past : (Don't skip)
His family was attacked by werewolves who were driven insane. His parents were hunters of the best class but they still weren't able to match against so many rogue wolves. One of them who still could think and had a bit of his sanity left, bit Zero and changing him into a werewolf. But he didn't manage to transfer his venom completely because he was shot and was dying, causing Zero to fall to an omega rather than a beta. Ichiru who seemed to have survived this, disappeared somewhere and Zero became a Omega Werewolf. Later, Cross took him in and raised him.

Yuki was never adopted by Cross as her and Kaname's parents never died. She was a female alpha/pureblood werewolf all her life. She and Kaname never met Cross or Zero neither did they set a foot in the Cross Academy until now.



"Shitshitshit!" Growled a silver haired beauty as he ran through the woods, late for a meeting with the board.

He burst through the door to see the Headmaster smiling at him as usual and the board members glaring at him.

"Well! now that my dear son is here-" Zero gritted his teeth in annoyance. "Let us begin!"

Zero sat there and listening as they droned on and on about expanding, spending, rules and other useless things.

Suddenly headmaster clapped his hands. "Okay, now I have something to share with you all. I was shocked when I was first contacted about this but it appears that our king and his sister, the princess both have decided to attend our academy."

There was a sudden uproar in the meeting room. One idiotic member of the board even fainted.

Zero tensed at that and sat up in his chair.The ancient king of werewolves? At an academy? Something was definitely up.

"Why? They wouldn't simply decide to enroll here for no reason.They are thousands of years old." Zero said suspiciously and narrowed his eyes.

Headmaster's face brightened. King wants to find a mate. Thats why. My son is so sharp!! Cross wanted to say that but decided against it. "Yes! They said they had grown bored and needed to socialize with their kind more. And his majesty is also curious to see how our academy is. We are one of the best after all!!"

Zero scoffed and turned his head to the side. The king of the monsters that he despised was coming here. How fucking peachy.

"They will be arriving tomorrow, so we must plan to welcome them! That will be all!"


I had this chapter saved and damn it! I forgot to post it!!

I am literally one hell of an idiot!

Lol!!! sebastian's

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