Chapter 1:

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So this is my first story that I've posted on here, and I honestly have no clue if it'll be any good or not. I just hope that you stick with me, and can enjoy reading this as much as I have been writing it. I hope it's not too bad. But I'm trying.

This story is 100% my idea, I didn't get any ideas from anywhere or any one else. This story is copy written, so please don't steal any of my ideas!!! I work hard on all of my chapters, and it sucks when some one comes along and steals your ideas.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy my story.



It's the day of my high school graduation, and I couldn't have been any more nervous yet excited than I already was. Excited because I'm finally getting out of the worst four years of my life. Nervous because my best friend, Megan, and I are headed to the UK and Europe right after the ceremony. See, we'd been planning this trip ever since freshman year. The plan was to travel to 6 different countries in the course of three months. Within those three months we'd see major land marks, some of Megan's family over there, and try staying at several hostels. This trip would only be for the two of us, and we'd have a limited amount of money. So to say I was a little scared, would've been on par with how I actually felt.

Megan and I have been best friends since eighth grade, when we finally were able to stand each other. And ever since then, we've been inseparable. Ask anyone, and they'd just assume we were either sisters or dating(we kind of tend to talk to each other like we're married. Don't ask why, we just do). While Megan has chin-length, thin, pin-straight brown hair, I have wavy, thick, hip-length 'dirty' blonde hair with crazy hot pink streaks here and there. Megan has the biggest baby-doe brown eyes that I've ever seen, and she says I have stormy-blue-grey eyes that have yellow pigmentation surrounding my pupils, that turn more yellow when I get emotional. Everyone always says that they love my eyes and they compliment my thin figure very well, but if I could change my eye color, I'd definitely jump up and do it. I've always wished to have green eyes, more green than Harry Styles. Like, jade green. That would be so cool. Anyways, Megan is a total of 5'7", while I barely reach 5'3". All of my friends always makes fun of how short I am, but at least I can wear heels whenever I want! But I definitely HATE dressing up, so I rarely ever do. I'm not the girly type of girl. My go-to outfit of choice is definitely black skinny jeans, a band-T, and converse. I would much rather be hiking, skating, or wrestling with the guys than be getting make overs and gossiping with the girls. Girls drive me fucking crazy. I can't stand to hang around them, that is, if I'm not dating them. I'm Pansexual. I believe that love is love, and I could be in love with anyone, or even be with anyone, regardless of their gender.

As I'm putting on my gown, Megan and a group of our bros comes up to me and starts hooping and hollering and shoving. Due to the shoving, I end up on the ground wrestling with our friend Max. I'm only wrestling because he called me a princess, and because I'm wearing my jeans and a band-T. Plus, I can easily kick his ass.

"Sammy, get the f**k off of him! The principal is coming over!!" Meg whisper yells urgently. God, these people are so f**king proper it makes me want to gag. I stand up and offer Max a hand, and as he is halfway up, I drop him back to the floor. We all burst out laughing our butts off. Serves that prick right! Now he won't mess with me for the rest of the ceremony! I smirk.

"Samantha! Did I just witness you wrestling your fellow classmate in your graduation gown," Mr. Harvey, our principal, scolds me, rolling his eyes.

"Yes you did, sir. See, he was being a prick, so I decided to teach him a lesson. And well, one thing led to another, and we ended up wrestling." I'm not going to apologize to this terrible man. See, he made sure my high school career was hell since I wouldn't blow him like almost every other girl at this school. Excluding Meg, of course. He'd always find some way of either giving me detention or referrals. It's not like I really gave a crap about any of it, it just gave me yet another reason to hate this town and these people. I look up at him in time to see him turn red in the face and drop his mouth open.

"Might want to shut that, wouldn't want to catch any flies." I wink and walk away, heading for my seat.

After a three hour long ceremony, complete with Megan walking on stage tipsy and burping loud enough for the entire auditorium to hear, me mooning the entire senior class, and the bros yelling obscenities to Mr. Harvey, Meg and I were finally able to head to the airport, ready for our once in a lifetime adventure.


Sorry of there where any typos or errors, I wrote this on my Ipod. So what do you think? I really hope you guys like it! And just FYI, it's not going to be your typical fanfic where they fall in love and live happily ever after. So if you hate sad endings, then don't read any more. I'm just letting you know, there most likely wont be a very happy ending to this. But I really hope this is something you all enjoy reading! Thanks guys! :)



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