After being brutally battered, I managed to get to get my head above water and take a glance and what was happening.
Trees were floating along. It was like a game of dodgeball. You had to dodge everything in your path otherwise that was the end. I breathed heavily, noticing I was on my own. Where was my boys? I had no idea.
Quickly, I stretched my achy arms out and grabbed a post. I screamed my family's names out hoping for a response. I got one. It was from Lucas. I kept screaming Lucas and he kept screaming mum. I swam towards him and and hugged him so tight. He was breathing heavily, shivering, crying. I told him everything will be okay.
The water was pushing us along. We were both so scared.
Me and Lucas tried getting onto a mattress, reaching our hands out to grab each other's. But a tree was in the way. It tore us apart. We had to swim together again.
We was together for about 2 minutes and then we heard the swooshing of the second wave.