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"Jiminnie im so sorry I didn't contact you for the whole day I had something to do and I was really busy I'll tell you about it right away "



"Why won't you reply are you okay??"

The only thing he heard was muffled cries and it only confused him more not being able to distinguish the sound.
The next thing was jimin losing consciousness but yoongi had no idea.

"Jimin I hope you're okay you are worrying me"

"I hope there is nothing wrong and it's just my imagination"

"If something happens to you I'm going to cry"

"I can see that your phone is connected but I hear nothing??"

" I'm coming over okay?"

However, he didn't get any reply so he just rushed out of the house praying jimin was okay.

Jimin POV :

I felt someone shaking me aggressively and it stir me up in my sleep.

Well, I wasn't sleeping, when I opened my eyes I came across a yoongi who was a total mess. Tears all over his cheeks, a snotty nose, a panicked expression ,that scene made me remember what happened and I cried again. Yoongi hugged me so tightly, he wrapped his arms around my body and kept on giving me gentle kisses on the top of my head. He was trembling.

" j-jimin you're finally awake"

His voice cracked, he wiped his tears and stared at me while biting on his lips.

"I was so scared dummy, we need to go to the hospital come on"

He grabbed my uninjured wrist and lifted me. I didn't want to go to the hospital. Just the thought of being there scares me.

"I'm okay"

That's when he snapped and buried his face in his hands as he crouched.

" Don't fucking tell me you are okay you asshole I was so scared you might've been dead I hate you I hate you so much I swear my soul nearly left my body when I saw you collapsed on the floor with blood all over your arm don't freaking tell me you're okay do you realise you nearly died and left me alone in this ugly world I've finally thought you stopped cutting and opened up to me but no I'm such a fail forgive me jimin for being so dense and not noticing I'll work harder to make you happy but please don't leave me don't treat me this way I love you so much but now I hate you .. I'd do anything.. please .. Please never cut yourself again .. Just cut me punch me hit me hurt me but don't hurt yourself ... please"

This was the first time I saw yoongi in this state, he looks tough and always composed on the outside but he is actually a mushy gentle caring guy in the inside. I felt guilty. I felt so guilty looking at yoongi hiccuping in front of me hiding his face so that I don't see his crying mess. I regretted everything looking at how weak he looked right now. I cursed myself for being this selfish for not thinking about this adorable angelic pure creature. I just went and wrapped my arms around his small figure then kissed the top of his head.

" yoongi I'm so sorry okay? I'm so sorry I totally forgot for a minute that I had you and that's why I cut myself this hard. I'm really sorry don't blame yourself . You made my life brighter, you made me love myself, you made me love you when I thought no one needed me. You're the reason why I smile every day. It was insane from me. I'm really sorry. I just-

"Promise me that you'll never cut again" yoongi stared firmly at me while he grabbed my arm

" I promise"

3rd person POV

Yoongi then smiled and gave jimin a peck on the lips. Then held his hands and explored his arms. They were full of scars. He licked the freshly made ones and gave shudders to the younger. He smirked as jimin moaned to his touch and continued licking every cut .

"make sure you remember this feeling if you ever think of doing this again " yoongi said as he whispered in jimin's ear.

Yoongi's voice was so deep it gave the younger immediately a hard on. He moaned at the feel of yoongi's hand on his crotch. The next thing he knew was that the older was touching the tip of his little friend down there. Yoongi just gazed at him. He didn't know if he was asking for permission or just torturing him. Jimin couldn't wait anymore so he just cried in the sweetest voice yoongi ever heard :

"M-Move your hand yoongi please"

Yoongi then just smirked and kissed him on his nose this time. Jimin felt his head getting light as he felt yoongi's wet tongue around his dick.
He couldn't hold it in and cried the older's name as he grabbed his hair and pushed his dick to the back of yoongi's throat wanting more.

Yoongi then started twirling his tongue around jimin's hard dick and letting out slight moans that sent vibrations and made the latter's mind go blank as he let out his white liquid in yoongi's mouth.

"That was delicious thank you"

Jimin blushed at his boyfriend's words and rolled on the floor just to notice his painful looking hard on.

"do you need help?"

" No thanks I'll take care of it myself we shall save this to our next make out session"

Yoongi winked at him then made his way to the bathroom while jimin was still on the floor contemplating life and smirking from time to time.


I can't write smut omg

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