Zella's p.o.v
I told that what had happened and lets just say that there was glass everywhere.Im back in training .Im meeting someone by the name of ........Unique....Wish me luck.She entered the room skipping towards me,weirdddddd..
Unique:Skittles and Unicorns are awesome sauce
Me:Ummmmm okayyy then
Unique:The rain goes moo moo
I just stood there thinking wtf did i get myself into.
Then she started singing,omg kill me nowww.
Kill me nowww.
Thats when someone walked into the room.She was dark chocolate toned ,her hair stopped at the top of her shoulders.Her:Hi the name is daimond,dont mind her just nodd and smile
Me:ok thanks for the tip ,im zella by the way
Unique:Ready to start
This training session was epic.I learnt alot about the chinese.I didnt even know i couldve done a triple double back flip.I was going good so far .Now all i have to do is beat unique then i can move on to my next trainer.
It started and i was getting beaten like a man but eventually i picked up on her routine and i got a few punches in.I beat her finallyyyyyy.........................
Unique :Great job ...you are the first person that could actually beat me...
Me:yhhh thnx.....it was easyy as pie
We both shared a laugh for ah while and made our way into the next training session....
I shook hands with my trainer whom i might add has a gorgeous figure.....goals af.Her name was skye she looked prettty cool ...
She taught me most of her moves but i kept messing it up and by the look on her face she was getting irritated. I tried and tried but with every attempt i failed miserably..wish me luck....
I finally got it........yessssss bishh i did it .........
Me:thank you
Skye: your welcome.....you were a challenge but in the end it all worked...out
Rose,skye,unique,daimond and i ;all made our way to my fathers office.....this should be fun.
They:Sir she is ready
Him:Are you sure
They alll watched as i stood there confused...Dad walked around his table into a closet behind me and took out an all black suit which read in bold glittered pink lettters DADDY'S PRINCESS.
HIM:Your first mission is to kidnap his grand daughter,she is at the playground across from her home.Daimond will tell you the rest..
I got dressed as quickly as possible and met the girls in the car..
Daimond:so you know your mission, there will be someone watching her but you have to do it as quickly as possible.When you grab her put this rag over her face ,it has knock out gas on it.This will limit the screaming.........
When she was finished we were now pulling into the back of the park.I dtrapped up and walked over to the little girl playing in the sand box.
Me:Heyy sweetie wanna go for a walk
Her:no thanks dad said not to talk to strangers
Me:well okayyyy
I grabbed her as quickly as i can and ran while putting the gas over her mouth.She was knocked out by the time we had reached the car.I pushed her in the back seat and as soon as i was about to jump in someone tugged me back.
They punched me hard in the face ;afterwhich all i tasted was blood.U wiped it away and got a closer look at yhe demon infront me.I blinked because i couldnt believe who it was...
It was kaden..I started to fight back and i shot him in both legs bringing him to his knees.I punched and punched and punched until his face looked like his heart ........ugly
Kaden:I thought you loved me
Me:Love can make you do some stupid things you know
Kaden:I was the best you ever had anyways,the best thing you could ever get,i was your first kiss zella think about that
Me:Gotta kiss a few frogs before you get to your prince
With that i shot him the head and watched him...I jumped in the car and we rode back to the trap.......
Thanks this chapter is longggg overdue but oh welll her it is....enjoy vote comment...

The Last Drop
Teen FictionHave you ever been inlove with your enemy ?As the saying goes keep your friends close n your enemies closer.It was suppose to be the drop that made him rich but what happens when he falls in love with his target .Will the drop be successful?Will t...