Chapter 2

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Hey guys! Well I hope your enjoying it so far. Anyways play ' me & my girl's' by Fifth Harmony whiles you read this chappie :D. Thanks! Enjoy!!!

Shyniqua's POV

Friday nights are my personal time. That's when I catch up with my girls,do my hair and nails for the week then finally relax. "Shyniqua! Shyniqua!" mom shouted "supper's ready". "I'll be down in a minute!" I shouted. My mom makes the best food ever. That's like me as the little kid shouting "MY MOMMY IS THE BEST COOK IN THE WORLD!". I was 13 when my dad left home and we haven't heard from him since then. My mom is a strong independent woman. I pulled the black wooden chair and sat on it. "Today Brandon your praying, don't forget to add 'in Jesus name'" mama said. "dear, Lord Jesus bless the food in Jesus's name I pray amen" Bradon said with a tiny cute voice. Bradon's my five year old brother who's so adorable, he lucky he ain't a girl. We started digging in taking Mama's famous mash potatoes with gravy. " How was school today?" mom asked. " It was cool, I learnt how to multiply" Brandon said. " And I learnt a few Spanish words words I didn't know" I replied.

"Oh mom Luis is coming to pick me up tommorow for a party. Can I please go with cherry on top?"

" Hmm after you do the laundry then you can go but make sure you take Brandon to Aunty Vivian's house first tho"

" Alright ma" I said giving her a peg.

After I finished eating I put the plates in the dishwasher and divided the clothes into different sections of colors. So when I wake up tommorow all I have to do is put them in the washing machine. *Turn the light on woooo oooh wooh * my phone ranged as I checked the caller ID. "Wtf merh that ain't cool Jayd. Why you put that as my ringtone when you know I don't like Trigger!?" I asked puzzled. " Girl please, cut me some slack" she replied.

" Anyways wassup?"

" Just bored and I needed one of my besties to talk to"

"Oh alright, you know am always here when you need me. You going for Dylan's party?"

" I wish buh I gotta spend the weekend in Windsor at my aunty's and my mom is saying its compulsory so there's no way to bill out. The only reason I'm going is because Jordan my cousin's friend is gonna be there well he's their next door neighbor. He's H-O-T and I would kill to see him."

" Silly child, I wish you could cone for the party and don't forget I want a picture of him."

" I will, talk to you later then."

Am kinda angry though,why would she put ' Heart Attack' as my ringtone when she calls. She knows I hate Trey Songz. Grr! He thinks he can just show his six packs, then all the girls in the universe will love him well he's wrong cause I don't. I entered my room and switched the lights on. My room is different shades of purple and half black. A king size bed layed with purple foral sheets; by now I'm sure you guessed what my favorite color is. I have a huge  walking size closet, I love fashion so you can imagine. I picked my straightner and plugged it, I straightened my hair whiles tweeting. I checked my interactions and there was a tweet from Scarlet ( Luis's ex, yh I know your probably thinking why would she tweet me well even though she dated Luis surpisely we talk).

@SLuvsU ( Scarlet): Hey,Girl!

@LS_Forever_143 ( Me): Wassup!? How you doing??

@SLuvsU: Am good. You!?

@LS_Forever_143: Same. What sch you in?

@SLuvsU: Clerox High at Windsor

@LS_Forever_143: oh k that's a cool sch

@SLuvsU: yh. So how's everybody?!

@LS_Forever_143: They cool!

@SLuvsU: Heard your '#DATING' Luis oh btw cute handle.

Why is she hashtagging and emphasizing on dating. What is her problem, I get it you went out with him buh your not with him anymore so just get over it. Okay, I know am getting personal here buh hey he's mine and I gotta keep what's mine.

@LS_Forever__143: Thanks and yh. Why?

@SLuvsU: just asking..#curious

Okay, now she's really misusing them hashtags.

@LS_Forever_143: K, so ttyl oh yh Dylan's having a party would you come?

@SLuvsU: Sh*t I have detention, I wish I could come imu guys tho.

@LS_Forever_143: sorry :( so yh later then.

Awkwwaaaard! She's creeping me out, oh well.


This is my longest chapter so far. What do you think? Oh yeah what do you think about my new cover? Give me more ideas I would love to hear your opinion, you can follow me on twitter @_YaaAchiia and tell me your opinions. Pls vote and comment

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