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Nicole stared at her father in shock and disbelief. In all her years, she had never expected to arrive here, at this point, and be having this conversation. Now, everything seemed so different from what she's always known.

She had just come from an afternoon run with her best friend, Amber when a guard came up to them with the news that her dad, the Alpha of the Red Summit pack, had needed to see her in his office. Aware that her dad wasn't the sort of man to leave waiting for anything, she'd instantly rushed to his office, not before telling Amber that they would meet up later that night to watch a few movies.

Her father, John Morgan, the infamous alpha, had been sitting behind his almighty desk, where he planned his attacks, the torturing of rogues in the pack prison, and not forgetting- how to run the lives of every single pack member. Apart from his high rank, he had managed to possess a wife whom he didn't love, and two children who couldn't love him.

He didn't stand to acknowledge her presence or make any indication that she was welcome. Besides, what did she expect? A hug? That's the type of man he was. Selfish, and selfish. He'd gone right into the discussion, certainly not the man to beat around the bush, or with an ounce of patience in his pathetic life.

She could still remember the words he had uttered because conversations like the one they'd had didn't just leave someone's mind so quickly. No. It lived with the person on the receiving end for the rest of their life, and she just happened to be the one listening...

"You'll be marrying Alpha Rogers in three days," he'd said, and it was more of a demand than a statement. It was an order. One she knew all too well.

A normal werewolf living a normal life would've been thrilled to have the privilege of mating with the mighty 'Alpha Rogers' but Nicole was the least bit excited. Actually, she was angry, but she didn't dare express her thoughts to her father.

Being the Alpha daughter, a lot was expected of her, including being mated to a werewolf of great power and prestige. Indeed, Alpha Patrick Rogers was one of the most powerful alphas in the US- the Sentinels being the first. Yet, he wasn't her mate. And she didn't want him to be. From the first moment they'd met, she had felt disgusted by his mere presence. Even his name 'Patrick' didn't sit so well with her. Along with being the very last wolf she'd ever want to mate, he also possessed the attribute of being an arrogant and egotistical jerk whom she wished she'd never met.

Never had she expected her father to utter those words to her. Just because his life had been destroyed, doesn't mean hers also needed the same fate. Her parents had mated under terrible conditions. Her father's real mate had been killed, and in dire need of an heir, he'd mated with her mother, Sherry. Her mother had never been a wolf or had known of the existence of werewolves before meeting her father. They'd had Nicholas and six years later, Sherry gave birth to Nicole. Surprisingly, both pups had received the werewolf genes from their father.

Along with being bullied by pack members, her mother had lived with a man who could never love her. It was no secret that her parents weren't the happiest mates in the world- and that's if they could be referred to as such. And that's why she couldn't possibly mate with Rogers. Who's to say that a few months down the line he won't hate her as much as her dad hated her mom?

Her father expected obedience, and nothing more. Yet, she wouldn't keep quiet and allow her life to be controlled by a man, even if he's her father.

"But he's not my mate," she reasoned.

However, when he looked at her, she wished she had kept her mouth shut, and left his office without any plans of returning in the future.

"I know that, but we need to form an alliance with his pack. And what better way to do this than to have him mate with my daughter?"

His Destined Mate - PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now