Broken Hearts or Broken Dreams? (Watty Awards 2013)

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Hey guys :) This is my very first Teen fiction. I really hope you guys like it. Please Vote and comment what you think. It's very important :D This is not proof read so excuse any mistakes there is ;) Have fun reading :D 


“Are you ready for this?” My best friend Jenny asks while looking deeply into my eyes. I take in a deep breath, and another.

“Yes” I finally breathe out “Let’s do this”

In a rush of seconds I deliver everything to the table where the big muscly man who looks like he can eat me with one bite sits.

I stare at the clock before I grab the biggest cup and I pour as much coca cola as it can fit.

“GO GO GO GO” Everyone chanted in the diner. I rub my hands nervously together as I shifts glances from the man to the clock and back.

“YESSSS” They all scream.

“Nooooo” I pout “Not again”

“Pay up Allison” Kent says as he has a big ass smile which is covered entirely with chicken sauce. How in the hell did he eat 100 hot spicy chicken wings in less than 3 minutes? Like I said the guy can eat me in one bite.

I sigh in defeat as I bow in front of him with a crown made of bacon in my hands.

“You’re treat, my king” I giggle trying to keep a straight face.

“Thank you” He said in the most posh voice you can master and takes it from my hands.

The restaurant calms down as everyone takes their seat back. That was Kent; a 35 year old man who I’m pretty sure has no taste buds. We poured as much hot sauce as possible on those chicken wings. I was on fire just from the smell of it and he didn’t break a sweat. He deserved his bacon crown I guess.  We always have these challenges that no one can really conquer. That was until one of our town residents brought Kent over here and he did the impossible. You can say it’s quite an accomplishment.


“How much did you get?” Jenny asks as we sit on the table alone counting today’s income.

“100” I say and she sighs “Still not enough, Allie”

“It’s fine, Jenny” I laugh slightly when I remember the whole challenge today “Today was one of the best”

“We need to make money faster if we want to go to school together”

“We’ll make it” I assure her before I take my jacket and start walking home.

Jenny and I are both dancers. If there is one thing we would love to do its dance. Dance was more like an escape to me. It’s something I did when I sad, angry, happy, joyful, you get what I mean. It’s something I want to do for the rest of my life.

Dance was actually how Jenny and I met. I was home schooled which meant I had no friends. I really didn’t complain about it because I was busy taking care of myself and my family that I had no time to worry about all that high school drama. I wouldn’t have been the popular kid anyways so I’m glad I passed on that experience.

I was looking for jobs so I can afford my dream school. Lawson Academy for Performing Arts. The best of the best went there and it is way too expensive for my mom to afford it.

Yes, mom. See there is no dad in the picture. My mom and Dad had a rough year when my baby sister Emma was born and they called it quits. They got a divorce and he took as a one way ticket to no kids town. He never called or asked how we were doing. Not that he cares or anything. He’s probably enjoying his single life in clubs taking advantage of women of all kinds.

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