Chapter Eighteen

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Most people think that revenge is a cruel thing, well it is but they deserve it for whatever they did, and what I'm doing to Chase is just a quarter of what he did to everyone else.

It's funny how something so little happens and it goes viral and the next thing you know, your the talk of the school.

Well I definitely know that when I enter the school grounds that Chase is gonna to be the talk of the school. Normally it's always of what he did which is so handsome and cute and that shit, but this time it's the complete opposite and this shit is real life. Yeah I know I just quoted pitch perfect.

You better watch out,
You better not cry,
You better not do that I'm telling you, why,
Santa claus is comi- wtf, were is that coming from,

And then I realise that it's Christmas in a couple of days, great.

You know those families that always get into the christmas spirit and downloads all of that shitty music and plays the whole song over and over again. Yup well I might have that family. Trust me it's so annoying listening to the same Santa Claus is coming to town song every single second.

I got out of the car and I instantly knew that Chase had become the talk of the day.

I wasn't as sad when the bell went because I knew Chase would be arriving sometime soon. And another benefit was that there was no sign of Lacy, such a shame.

Chase walked in and sat next to me.

"I know you did it" Chase whispered.

"I must say that outfit really suits you" I said holding up my phone that had the picture of Chase, which I hadn't been posted, yet.

"Don't you dare" Chase warned me.

"Oops" I shrugged innocently as I hit the post button...

"Dele-' Chase said who was interrupted by our lovely teacher.

"Why are you talking in class?" the teacher asked.

"Is now a good time to tell you I didn't do my homework?" Chase said with his signature smirk.

"Detention for both of you, double for you Chase, now get out" the teacher said and walked away.

I made my way out of the class to be swarmed by people asking me if I slept with Chase. Don't these people have class or something?

"Alright stop" I bluntly responded as each of them stopped talking.

"I didn't and will not ever in my whole life sleep with Chase" I say slowly and loudly making sure they understood.

A look of disappointed crossed their faces as they walked past me. These people must love gossip around here.

I frowned as I started to hear voices and I tried distinguishing who the voice belonged to. But of course, the voice  belonged to my lovely friend Lacy.

Just in time she rounded the corner.

"So now you're spreading rumors about me? It's nice to know you have a hobby spreading other things but your legs" I said.

"At least I'm not the one creating copies of Chase in that outfit" Lacy fired back looking proud of herself.

I gasped and tried to sound amazed "Oh my god, you actually sound smart for once, do tell me does your brain feel brand new as this is the first time your actually using it".

"What did you just say?" Lacy asked attempting to sound threatening.

"I wasn't born twice so I don't talk twice" I said.

"Bitch" there it is her usual word.

I take out my phone and start typing something.

"Don't ignore me, bitch!" Lacy screeched.

"Oh sorry, I'm not ignoring you, I just searched up 'who gives a shit' on google, my name wasn't in the suggestions" I said whilst smirking.

"Whatever, I'm done with this shit" Lacy said and stormed off.

"Good seeing you again, oh yeah and future advice try being nice it actually helps" I yelled hoping she'd hear me.

Now that was a lie.

You see I've tried that before.

It didn't go too well..


Hey guys sorry I know I haven't posted in ages as it's holiday's where I am, but here's a long chapter for y'all

Will try to post soon.

Also where I am it's the easter holidays, so have an amazing easter!!

~ Ashley

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