the beginning

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When I get off the bus I start the 12 block walk home. I put in my headphones and turn on My Chemical Romance and blare it, trying to forget about my day. I'm one of those kids that others like to pick on. Maybe because my body is curvier than the other girls or because my hair is short and curly and not 'white people hair'. I don't care though. I love my body and I love my hair.

I put an extra skip in my step when I see the bright blue liquor store, signifying that I only have 4 more blocks. I turn the corner to see a white van blocking the sidewalk. I ignore it and try to walk around it but two men grab me. I scream and start to kick and punch. "Damn." One of the men says "He said you'd be a handful but your almost hard to handle." I scream louder and keep fighting.

To no avail though, as I'm dragged into the white van. When they let me go I scoot into the corner and stare at them. One of the men walk over to me and says. "I see why he wanted you. Your beautiful." He tried to touch my cheek but I snatch away. He laughs and says "Fine, be that way. You'll get much worse with that attitude." I roll my eyes and stare at the ceiling of the van.

A half hour later I look at the one that seems to be the leader and say "Give me my iPod." He looks at me and laughs. "Why? So you can call 911? I don't think so." "Are you really that fucking stupid? It doesn't even have numbers on the thing. How am I supposed to call anybody?" "Just give it to her. Were kidnapping her. She can at least be somewhat comfortable." The guy in the seat across from me says. The other guy kicks me my iPod and I put one earphone in my head.

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