Chaptet 2

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As Harry Potter was reading the daily prophet he saw a article in big bold print that made his heart stop.
Muggles capture footage of a unidentified wizard.

Last week a muggle posted footage of a wizard drinking a polyjuce potion. It is now on the internet for the whole world to see.

"What is wrong Harry dear. You look like you are going to be sick." Harry paused."Haven't you heard. Ginny the muggles have found our world. Ginny froze. "What! Harry it wasn't, you who caused it right. If so you could cost the whole family." Harry didn't answer." It was you wasn't it! Meanwhile as Ginny and Harry were bickering Lily and James Potter were listening at the top of the stairs. They're Harry and Ginnys children. Then James turned to Lily and said "Lily we have to do something."" James we are just kids. We can't save our world from muggles."Lily we must. For mum and dad.""Your right James. For mum and dad.

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