name- andrea johnson
age- 18
family- dwayne johnson. rachael johnson
friends- ryback,john,ted,, jey uso,jimmy uso,,sheamus,randy,zack, alberto,natalya,rosa,tamina,rey mysterio,sin cara, jerry,triple h, the miz,alex riley.
hates- aj
bio- hi i'm andrea johnson. i'm the rocks daughter i'm 18 years old and i love wwe. plus i grew up in the wrestling buisness . i travled with wwe and my dad since i was 12 years old. my mom is also a diva. and i like my moms good friend rybak.
likes- wwe,rybak
Meet The Johnson's
Romancethe story meet the johnsons is about the wwe power couple of raw who just recently just signed their daughter up for nxt the rock johnson and his wife wwe women superstar rachael johnson and their 18 year old daughter andrea who just recently joine...