Im a victum that has to do a tag by a wattpad writer yeah

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So I've be tagged by TayTaySakamaki  to do this tag so let's do this haha ok

1) Do you play video games : sometimes
2) if so PlayStation or Xbox : PlayStation ( PlayStation is awesome )
3) List your top 3 fav colours : red , blue and black
4) Whats your to go song : moon by the cab
5) Fav book : sisters red ( it's really good is about werewolves . If you like them )
6) Can  you go 0-100 1 second or are you calm : umm ?
7) Are  you a morning person : hahahaha no haha ( I'm a bitch in the morning )
8) Fav verse from a song : dance with the devil ( ocean drive ) hehe
9) Donald or doge  : umm I don't know who doge is so Donald trump
10) What makes you happy : CATS meow meow meow meow
11)What's  your fav animal : CATS and highland cow
12) Pandora or Spotify : Spotify
13) A quote you try to live by : 'the grass is always greener on the other side '

So now it's my turn to ask question and you guys to answer hehehe ok let's start

1) fav game
2) Do you have any siblings
3) An embarrassing moment
4) empty or full
5) cows or goats
6) fav song
7) A quote you live by
8) a famous person that you hate
9) fav movie
10) What are you doing now
11) fav colour
12) ? Or !
13) weirdest thing at you've ever done .

So I have my question and now the people hehehe


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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