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Just Because. Thank you for the birthday wishes! Xx.

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Sitting here with Blake in my lap, I realize something. She may act all big and tuff, but at the end of the day, she's still a child. She still needs some comfort and stability in her life. Two of the many things she's never had.

She's been abused, starved, neglected, maybe even raped. No. No. I can't even think about that. Her father or god knows who, doing that. It's so wrong. This poor girl. This poor Child. No one should have to live through this. Expecially children.

It's been about an hour and a half since we got back, and I check Blake, who's still in my arms.

"Blake," I whisper quietly.
No reply. "Blake," I whisper, again. Shaking her slightly.

Her grip on my shirt tightens, but her eyes are still closed, and no noise.

"Hey, Niall, want to get the lads? Blake's out and we need to talk."

"Sure, mate!" He says mouth full of chips. He hops of the couch and walks out of the room.

Within 5 mins all of us have gathered in the living room again.

"What's up Z?" Liam asks.

"Don't you think we should have a discussion?" I retort.

"Oh, yeah, right."

"What do you think this new Blake is all about?" Louis starts off.

"It's not like her. Well what we've seen so far." Harry interjects.

We all nod.

"Boys we can't ignore the elephant in the room. Blake is only, what 11, 12? She's been through more unimaginable things then all of us combined. She need to talk to somebody. If not us, a professional. We need to help her get better. She's just a child." I finish. I see I got through the boys when they all look at me with sadness in there gentle eyes.

"What do you think she has been through?" Niall questions.

I sigh and look down at the sleeping girl, with a peaceful charisma around her for once. No stress, or anger lines. Just peace. Like a child should have.

"I don't know Niall," Still looking at her, "I don't know."

Aw, cute chapter.


370 words

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