*Saving Love* <3

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A/N~ da feels are real...

*Ross's POV*

"MORGAN NOOOOOO" I jumped in after her. I was NOT going to lose her! 

I jumped into the rushing FREEZING water, I could see that she was flailing her arms about trying to keep her head above water, and i'm not going to lie, I was having a hard time keeping my head up too. I swam as hard as I could toward her and I could hear her yelling, "Ross! No I'm not worth it!"

That's the only thing that kept me going because SHE WAS WORTH IT.  Toward my left I saw Max running, his face white as marshmellows... (lol sorry I had too XD) 

"Morgan, Ross, Hold on! Adam is calling the police!" (police? firemen? hospital? i dont know what he should call!) What else could I do but HOLD ON.. Then as I started getting closer to Morgan, she hit her head on a rock in the water HARD. She was knocked out, and she started sinking because she couldn't hold herself up... I started to swim the hardest I have ever swam in my life. I am not going to let this sweet, amazing, positive girl who puts her own feelings and hardships aside, the one who has stole my heart all over again, die. Before I realized I was so close to Morgan now that she was in arms length. I reached out for her and grabbed her by the wrist and hoisted her onto my back. I heard Max and Adam cheering and yells of happiness. Adam must have finished the call. I swam to the river bank and lay there exhausted for a second. I then crawl onto a rock and try to wake Morgan up.

"Pleasepleasepleaseplease wake up..." I said concerned. Max and Adam had to find another way to get across to us they started running towards the bridge. I am guessing they are going to cross it and run to us...(duh)

"*COUGHS UP WATER* *PANT PANT*" She finally is waking up.


"R-Ross! Wh-Why did you do that!" She started crying again.

"You could of just let me die, and all the problems I have caused would be over!" She started to bawl right into my shirt. I sat there not knowing what to say.

"I-just- it's- *sigh* No one loves me enough to care if I was gone or not..." She said quietly.

I lift her head up slowly, "Morgan...I love you enough to care." 

Then I kissed her closing the gap between us. Her lips just like the first time were soft and sweet and hopeful. After a second she melted into the kiss, She finally knew that I felt this way...


I started to bawl into Ross's shirt.. He shouldn't of saved me. 
"I-just-it's- *sigh* No one loves me enough to care if I was gone or not.." I said slowly and quietly almost a whisper.

Then to my surprise he lifted my head slowly, "Morgan...I love you enough to care."

He closed the small space between us with a kiss. A comforting, loving kiss, that makes you feel that there is nothing in the world that could ruin it. 

I finally realized that this whole time he had loved me back..

*A Ross Fanfic* Open Wounds (this story is being remade and/or improved)Where stories live. Discover now