Chapter 14

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Kaitlyn woke up the following morning, and Taylor lay next to her. She had fallen asleep watching Happy Gilmore the previous night after the initial shock of seeing her older sister wore off. Looking around the room as she slowly sat up, she saw Brett in his high chair eating cereal. The shower was running, so that must have meant Miranda was running late. Thinking that her sister was probably going to try skipping out on breakfast that morning, as there were no signs she had eaten herself, she pulled herself out of bed and quietly began to make breakfast sandwhiches for everyone. She wrapped the one for Miranda up in tin foil so she could take it with her and eat it on the way to the studio.

Taylor awoke to the smell of food, and slowly sat up. He saw Kaitlyn at the stove, and smiled. Climbing out of bed, he walked up to her and put his arms around her from behind, kissing her on the cheek. " Hey beautiful."

Kaitlyn smiled. " Hey. How did you sleep, handsome?" She threw a sandwhich onto a plate, and handed it to him.

" Wonderful." He took the plate from her. " Thank you. It smells amazing." He told her, and grabbed an empty coffee cup to fill with coffee.

" Your welcome." She plated the next sandwhich for herself, and sat down at the table with a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee,

" How are you feeling about everything?" He asked, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

" I don't even know, Taylor. I mean, I missed Britney so much. She was an amazing sister, up until she left us behind. Now she is back in our lives, and... sleeping with your brother? That's not even like her. She used to be better than that."

He nodded, sitting next to her at the table. Sipping on his coffee, he took a bite of his sandwhich. Swallowing the first bite, he took her hands in his. " I'm sorry she seems to have changed. But as far as her sleeping with Zac goes, maybe it is for the best. At least it won't be you that has to face Kate's wrath when she finds out what he has done."

" Are... you going to tell Kate? Or just let her find out on her own?" She asked, taking a bite of her sandwhich.

" It will come out on it's own. I'm not going to get in Zac's way again and risk my own brother beating me up for a second time."

Miranda came out of the bathroom dressed in a white sleevless scoop neck rhinestone tank top and black pants. " Hey. What's that smell? What did you make, sis?"

" Breakfast sandwhiches. I wrapped one up for you to munch on. Figured you were running late, and I didn't want you skipping out on breakfast." Kaitlyn told her, sipping on her orange juice.

" Thank you, Kaitlyn. I'll see you later." She grabbed her purse, and started to head out the door. " Bye Taylor. I hope things are blown over well enough for you to make it into the studio today yourself."

With a nod, he said goodbye to her and took another bite of his sandwhich. Him and Kaitlyn enjoyed the rest of their breakfast as they talked about the situation with Britney.



Isaac was just stepping out of the shower when he heard a knock at his door. Wrapping himself up in a towel, he made his way to the door and opened it. He was shocked to see his wife standing there, who threw herself into his arms. He smiled, and kissed her. "Nikki, what... what are you doing here? I thought I..."

" I know, Isaac. But you seemed so stressed out. I figured you could use some support, and maybe some help with your brothers." She told him, and kissed him back. " And I missed you so much."

He kissed her again and wrapped his arms around her into a tight hug. " I missed you so much too. You don't know how much."

She set her purse down on the little table on the corner of the room, and noticed it was quite a mess. He had clothes on the floor, and he had sheet music laying around. Balls of rolled up paper lay by the waste basket, as though he had missed tossing it in there. She shook her head at the mess. " Have you eaten breakfast yet, honey?"

" No. I just got up a little bit ago." He told her, grabbing a red long sleeve shirt out of his suitcase and throwing it on. " Want to order room service or go out?"

" Let's go out somewhere and you can tell me more about this whole mess."

" It's gotten worse than you know, Nikki." He unwrapped the towel from himself and threw on a pair of blue jeans. " Their sister Britney showed up and now she is getting in way over her head with Zac."

He explained everything to her over breakfast a bit later, and he could tell she was just getting mad over the whole thing. Especially when he told her that Zac was sleeping with Britney. She wasn't as close to Kate as Natalie was, but they were pretty good friends, and learning that Zac was cheating on her pissed her off to the max.

Isaac could see she was fuming by the end of their conversation, and expected that she would go off on Britney when she finally saw her. But he didn't expexct what came next.

Britney and Zac entered the restaurant together, and the moment Nikki saw them she blew right on up at them. She stormed up to them, and gave Britney a good shove to the floor. Zac looked at her in surprise. "What are you doing here, Nikki?" He asked, helping Britney to her feet.

" I came to give Isaac some support. He told me everything, Zac. From you falling all over yourself over Kaitlyn, to you sleeping with this piece of trash. How could you do that to Kate?" She snapped. " How could you possibly ruin everything you had with her, for someone you don't even know, just because you can't have Kaitlyn? And what do either of them have that Kate does not?"

Britney came at her the moment she got to her feet. She shoved her hard, and Nikki fell to the floor. " Don't you ever touch me again!" She screamed.

Isaac came running over and helped his wife back onto her feet. " You are on thin ice, Britney. Do not touch my wife again. I don't care that she shoved you first. Keep your hands off her." He snapped.

" Control that wife of your's, Ike. All Britney did was walk in here with me. She did nothing to derserve that shove." Zac snapped at his brother. " Now if you'll excuse us, we are going to have some breakfast."

" Don't tell me how to handle my wife. She has every right to be mad, Zac." Isaac snapped back at him. " You cheated on your wife! There is no coming back from that!"

Nikki could see the tension build up. Both brothers balled their hands into fists, as though a fight was about to break out. She pulled Isaac back a little, and grabbed her purse. Throwing money onto the table, she led him out of the restaurant before fists could start flying. The last thing she wanted was for one of them to end up in jail.

He calmed down a little as they walked back to the hotel. The fresh air did him some good, and the fact that she was there helped too.

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