Text Messages- Chapter 5

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I turned the phone over and over in my hand.

The warmth buzzing through my fingers.

Should I just text him?

I mean it had been 3 days now.

But he had a boyfriend!

I mean we could just be friends?

Would I fuck things up though?

"UGH!" I sigh flopping onto my bed.

Why does this have to be complicat-


I sit bolt up and rip my phone from the sheets and attack the on button.


Hey Dan, I was just checking in seeing if everything ok. Haven't heard from you in a while, you should come over for dinner! Love Mum x

I stare at my phone in disgust for a little while then throw it down and resume my position face down on the bed.

Closing my eyes, I try and picture Phil.

I picture his silky jet black hair and his deep blue eyes that hold me under some sort of spell.

I picture his luscious lips and his-


Again mum, really?

I heave myself up and turn on my phone, with only the tiniest spark of hope in my chest.

Phil :)

Hey, long time no talk.

A smile spreads across my face and my hand begin to shake as I unlock my phone.

Dan :P

Yeah, I miss you.

Phil :)

I miss you too.

Dan :P

We should catch up!

Phil :) 

Yeah! Um sure definitely!

Dan :P

At the cafe?

Phil :)


Dan :P

When are you free?

Phil :)

Oh um..not sure I'll um have to um get back to you on that.

Dan :P

Oh okay, yeah sure cool!

Phil :)

Ok well I have to go but I'll talk to you later yeah?

Dan :P

Yep! and hopefully see you soon

Phil :)


Dan :P



The awkwardness was so intense I could actually feel it radiating through the screen.

What have I done?

Everything had changed so fast.

Too fast, faster then I could've seen it coming.

And it was weird, I hadn't known Phil for very long, 3 weeks actually, but I felt as though a part of me was....missing?

Don't be stupid, I thought to myself.

He's just...just....just

Phil wasn't just anything.

Phil was anything but just.

He was beautiful.

He obviously doesn't care about me though.

And it kinda stung.

It didn't just kinda sting it hurt like hell.

It burnt me and slowly I felt like fire was creeping up me, from the tips of my toes, to the top of my head.

I was worried, I was worried that when it reached the top.

I'd break.





Soo I hoped you liked this chapter a lot because it was fun to write.

I swear there will be action coming soon guys hold tight.

You guys seem to be loving this fan fiction holy shit!

I'm honestly so amazed by all your comments and everything.

Never put anything past the fandom I swear they will rip to shreads anyone or anything that hurts Dan and Phil.

I am on holidays currently so I shall try and update lots!

I thought I'd tell you just a little about me because you're probably not particularly interested (more interested in the story, I get it guys, I am too)

So I live in Australia.

I really love music, like a lot.

I love writing.

And I also like reading a lot.

So yeah that's all guys I hope you liked this chapter please keep leaving your beautiful comments because I really love them so much and don't forget to vote!

-Lucy xx

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