Title: He's Irreplaceable Chapter 6

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Chapter six:  on  the  plane.

 i gave Tashana her  bath  that night  after  i got her ready for bed  i went and took my shower  i came out of the shower  ten minutes  later and Tasha was fast asleep  in my bed then i went and got myself ready for bed too so that night i let Tasha sleep with me i woke up 6:00 the next morning "Tashana wake up  i shake her gently  then she open her eyes "morning mommy she greeted me while sitting up in the bed

"morning  sweetie  remember that we going to spend sometime with auntie Jane?" i ask  "yeah i remember  she reply" "well we got to be fast  so the  plane  does'nt leave us  i said so come on then Tashana   come on Tashana"!  i shouted then she got out of the bed  i gave her a  bath got her dress i  brush her hair  then i took my shower blow dried my hair and straightened it then i apply some lip gloss  then i park my car in the garage  then i call a cab  before the cab came i gave Tasha  some cereal then i had a cup of coffee   afterwards i went back upstairs and bring mine and Tasha's suitcase in the living room  then about 5 minutes later i heard a horn honk " outside  i look out to see the cab so i grab my suitcases and   took  them to the cab the driver put them in the boot and  i  went back for Tasha and her suitcase then i close the house door and locked it behind us then we left

 then  ten minutes later  we were at the airport   the cab driver  park the cab then he got out and took out our suitcases out of the boot  we both got out too i paid him   then we went through security checks then we boarded the plane then me and Tasha took our seats in half hour Tasha fell asleep  in three hours time the plane landed at los angel es airport  then  i woke up Tasha then we both got off the plane  then we got our suitcases  i call auntie Jane and told her that i was here at los angel es airport she told me that she's on her way to pick us up there

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