Chapter 9: Broken Vows

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I sit outside the door, sighing as I press my ear up against the cold wood, listening for something. Anything. I still didn't understand what we could possibly gain by doing this all night, chances were the Gamers were sleeping. But, to my surprise, I'd hardly sat there for five minutes before I hear voices. The first one I recognise immediately: the Survival Gamer from the power plant. The other one is a female's voice, very scruffy and nasty, one I definitely don't recognise.

"It's only been seven days, they still have plenty of time to snatch the stone from our hands!" The female's scruffy voice whispers.

"Patience, Milana, you know as well as I do that Survivor's are always a step late. We'll just have to keep a step ahead of them at all times, and, doing that, they'll never find it."

"This is useless! The stone is in our possession. I say we double-cross these losers and just go charge up the weapon already!" Milana hisses.

"That would be dishonoring the rules. I am fierce, yes, but not cruel. To charge up the weapon now would be dishonoring to both the humans and the Survival Gamers. We must honor the rules we told them by following them ourselves."

"I'll honor the rules about as much as I'll honor this pathetic planet!" Milana growls. I narrow my eyes at their rather disturbing conversation, thinking it over in my head. Trying to decide whether this was bad news or good news. She almost sounds... tired. Like she's weary of playing this game over and over and over. I think to myself. That could be an advantage! It would seem the Survival Gamers themselves are sick of this game. Perhaps we can play off of that... I consider.

This may not be all too good, either, however. If they're so tired of this game that they're willing to go against their own rules, then we may not have long left to live. I decide to listen in a little longer before going back to wake Daxter for his shift.

"Who's got the dumb rock, anyway? I swear, between the five of us, they never communicate well these days!" Milana continues rambling. The five of us? Does that mean Myrror only sent five gamers down here?! I think, impressed at the progress that five creatures have made against 24.

"I sent it over to Raymond, he's keeping it safe in our hideaway." The first man answers.

"Raymond?! I wouldn't trust Raymond with my broken iPod, more or less the source of power for our most powerful weapon!" Milana exclaims in disgust. "Are you sure you can trust him for this job?"

"I would trust Raymond with my life." The first man replies. Milana scoffs.

"You're as foolish as Raymond himself, Pilas." She mutters under her breath. I press in closer, curious to hear more of their conversation, but a loud noise erupts from the broom closet. The clattering and clashing of supplies and shelves. Guys! You idiots! I think, grunting in annoyance. Then prick my ears as I hear movement inside the apartment.

"What was that!" Pilas exclaims.

"We're being spied on, you fool! Get them!" Milana yells, and immediately I hear stomping feet as they rush for the door. My mind whirling with panic, I scramble to my feet, tripping over the funnel-object Raven had been using to listen with earlier. It slides near their apartment door. Finding my footing again, I dash to the broom closet, throwing the door open.

"We've gotta get out of here now!" I yell, running for the elevator.

"Well, don't do that! Take the stairs!" Jack exclaims. The apartment door is flung open, and there stands the all-too-familiar Pilas and... possibly the ugliest woman I've ever seen in my life. She had wiry, grey hair, thin, pale, dry skin, and her teeth were dark with rot. Well... the teeth she had left, that is.

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