Little Alibaba- Part 2

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"Where do you think you're going. Sinbad?" Ja'far questioned the man as he started to drag the unwilling king back toward everyone. Ja'far may be smaller, but he was still stronger than ever.

"U... Um... Ja'far?" Alibaba asked as he pulled on Ja'far's green tunic to get the white haired boy's attention.

"What is it?" Ja'far asked as he stopped dragging Sinbad and looked down at the smaller version of Alibaba. The child looked away before he looked back up at him.

"I.... I'm-­" Alibaba was cut off as his small stomach growled... Loudly... A large blush appeared on the blonde's face as everyone stared at him.

"He... Hehe...." Sinbad tried to hold in his laughter. "Are... Are you hungry?" He stated more than asked. The blushing boy nodded his head yes as he stared at the ground in embarrassment. It was around lunch time and he hadn't had breakfast this morning and at home he only ate what he and Kassim stole, which wasn't much considering it was only bread and the occasional bits of fruit or meat. It was fun, but it took a lot of work and there wasn't enough for everyone to have their own... Alibaba sighed as he remember how things used to be when his mom was alive. Alibaba looked at the ground as he remembered his mother's kind and loving smile. Tears started to form in his golden eyes again as he followed Ja'far and everyone else to the dining hall.

"What's wrong Alibaba?" Aladdin asked as he noticed the smaller boy's tears. Alibaba immediately wiped them away and looked at Aladdin.

"Nothing's wrong." He hurriedly exclaimed. "I... I'm just missing home..." He said. It was somewhat true. Aladdin gave him a slightly concerned look before shrugging.

"Alright then."

They finally arrived at the large double doors that lead into the dining hall. Masrur opened the door for everyone to enter. As they walked through the doors, Sindab stopped dead in his tracks... Right there, in the center of the room, was Judal. He was eating a plate of meat and fruits as he sat at the large table. He lazily looked up at the group as they stared at him.

"Hey! I've been wai­-" He suddenly stopped talking as he noticed Ja'far and Alibaba... Ja'far looked outraged and Alibaba had on a look of curiosity as he stared back at the black haired Magi. After a few seconds, Judal dropped the piece of bread he was eating as he gaped at the smaller versions of the two. Ja'far was now only a bit taller than Sinbad's waist and Alibaba was a few inches shorter than Aladdin and was only covered by his white coat. (I don't know what it's called.) "W... What happened to them?!" He asked as he stared at Alibaba in bewilderment. The only person who was strong enough to cause him severe damage... Was now just a mere child! An evil look soon came to his face. Wait until he tells the Kou Empire about this.

"What are you doing here Judal?" Ja'far asked as he glared at the raven haired Magi. Judal ignored Ja'far and walked toward Alibaba instead as a smirk played across his pale face. 'Maybe I should take him to Kouen and see what he thinks.' Jubal thought as he came to a stopping point in front of the blonde haired child. He would have taken Ja'far, but who knows how that would have ended. He looked down at the now child Alibaba, who was staring up at him with bright golden eyes, curious to who he was and what he was going to do. Yamuraiha and Sharrkan stepped in front of the raven haired teen as their suspicions, of what he might do, rose higher.

"Judal." Sharrkan began in a cold tone as he glared at the dark Magi.

"What do you think you're about to do?" Yamuraiha questioned, with an equally cold voice, as they both raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing really." Judal lied. "I was just getting a closer looked at the kid." He shrugged as a smirk tugged at his lips. Alibaba tilted his head to the side in a questioning manner as he watched the raven haired Magi. Morgiana and Yamuraiha suddenly squealed at the blonde's display of cuteness. Alibaba was so adorable when he was small! Judal looked away from the small blonde haired boy and focused his attention on Ja'far. "I'm here because I wanted to talk to Sinbad, but I have found something much more interesting and worth my time than that sorry excuse you call a king." Judal stated as he looked back at Alibaba. Sinbad stood still as he processed Judal's insult. A look of utter shock appeared on the purple haired man's face as he glared daggers at the dark Magi.

"Who are you?" Alibaba asked the raven. Judal looked at Alibaba with a somewhat shocked expression.

'What?' Judal thought. 'Did he lose his memory or something?'. Judal pondered on this thought for a moment before coming to a silent agreement, he squatted down and held out his hand towards the boy. "I'm Judal." The dark Magi introduced himself. 'I'm definitely taking him to the Kou Empire.'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2016 ⏰

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