Long lost brother........?!

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Chapter 1: meetings and greetings!

Song of the chapter: Home by: Philip Philips!


I'm on the airplane just ready to land and she the beautiful sights of London. And meet the older brother that I never knew I had.

When my mom found out she told me everything and she told me that is I wanted I could go and meet him if I wanted to. It was all my choice no one else. I thought why not it's a chance to go to London.

She told me that my brother was apart of some famous boy band called One Direction. I don't know who they are. It's funny. I'm not into pop music I think it's annoying I'm into rock and old 90's and 80's music. Like imaging dragons, guns and roses, and U2.

My friend is the one who's into all that bubble gun pop stuff. Anna had tried to keep me up all night last night to teach me ever thing there is to know about "One Direction!" I fell asleep about half way through her rant on how they didn't win the Xfactor an that they got 3rd when everyone wanted them to win. I will always fall asleep to that.

"Attention passengers we will be landing shortly so please buckle up." The flight attendant said with her perky voice that most girls have. Oh god I bet she's a fan of my brothers band.

As told by the perky blond fight attendant I bucked my seat belt and get ready for the dreaded 8 hour flight to end. I sit back and the plane begins to land.


"Thanks so much for flying with us and we hope you enjoy your stay in London!" The perky blond said as everyone got up and left the plane.

I grabbed my duffle bag and headed off the plane to wait for my brother to come and pick me up. I sit on the bench out side of the airport just waiting to see who the hell this boy is.

Bored out of my mined waiting for this guy I pull out my phone and see that I have about 12 miss calls and 40 new messages. All form Anna. I check everyone and see it's the same thing each time. So I call her back just to tell her that I'm ok.

"Becca oh god I miss you so much how's London? Have you meat him yet?" She fired question after question.

"Anna I haven't seen anything of London yet because I just got there so that also answers your other question." I don't even know why I'm friends with this girl. She's my complete opposite, but you gotta love her.

"Excuse me?" Someone taped my shoulder.

"Yeah just one seconded." I said to the boy who taped my shoulder. "Look Anna I promos that I will call you later tonight whenever I can. I don't think that it be pretty rued to run into my brother and not even know it when I'm on the phone with you so bye." I hang up on her before she could say another thing to me.

"So you think it's rued to be on the phone when you meet your brother hm... It's Becca right?" The boy with blond hair form earlier said. I could tell he had an accent but I couldn't make it ou...... Wait how dose he know my name?

"Let me guess your my brother?" I questioned totally shocked that I just did that.

"Yep. Niall." He said in his accent. Dude why can't I pick out what it is I know it, it's on the tip of my tong.......

"Irish!" Shit did I just say that out loud.

"What?" He questioned.

"Your Irish. Sorry I really know nothing about you or that band that I heard your in." I answered admitting that I know nothing of them.

"It's fine. So you ready to go?" He asked nodding towards the black limo that I just notice.

"Yeah let's go." I said as I hoped up from the bench and followed him to the limo.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2013 ⏰

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