Morning chapter one

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RING RING . I wake up with a jolt . I look at my alarm clock and its 2 in the morning .

"Oh my god why does it do this to me" , I mumbled .

This is the third time this week. I'm so done with this alarm clock. I roll over and I hit the snooze button. Then I roll back.

I flopped down on my soft fluffy feather pillow . I've had this pillow for so long , but I love this pillow . What I can't help it its soft , it's a feather pillow , and it's my fave color blue.

When I finally fall back to sleep I start to have a weird dream . In the dream I was a wolf ? I was being chased buy a big gray and black wolf with red eyes.Then in my dream someone is screaming my name .

"Angel, Angel, get". I wake up once again . I look over and my sister is standing by me .

"Finally you're up", she said in a happy cute voice .

"Yeah yeah ",I say giving her a glare .

As usual . I get up and Lola (my sister) walked out of the room .

When I get up I feel lightheaded . I almost fall over , but I just get up and shake it off . It was a normal part of life for me . Wake up almost fall . Sometimes I do fall over but I shake it off .

After I shake that off I walk over to my closet . I look at my cloth after rubbing my eyes. I see all of my bright, playful, colorful cloth in my small but spacious closet .Then I look at the end of my closet and I see my favorite outfit .   I walk over and grab it off the hanger.

I then put my faded high waisted jeans and put on my white shirt that said don't grow up it's a trap on it. I look over to where my shoes are. I see all of my shoes well all three pairs.

I walk over to where my shoes are and I grab my favorite pair. My black leather combat boots. I put them, on and zip up the sides of the boots and I walk out of my room and

i see my sister standing at the top of the steps . With a big smile on her face .She's so cute , she's small , with blond strait hair , and she still acts like a kid oh and she is funny .

" Hey what are you waiting for ", I said to her smiling

"um... you of course " ,she said in her very cute voice soft voice , "mom made pancakes",

" OK tell mom i'll be right down ".i say looking at what she was wearing.

She then goes dawn stairs and I follow slowly behind .

I walk down stairs and I see my mom made pancakes .  I can smell the nice smell of soft, fresh, fluffy  pancakes .

I walk around the Corner following my sister . I look and I see my mom and dad sitting at the table . I walk over to the round circular table . I look at my plate that has 3 big fluffy pancakes .

"Well hello sweetie you food is on the table " . My mom said with a happy voice while smiling at me.

"Thanks mom ". I said back grinning.

I sit down at the table . I sit in the back of the dining room . When I started to start eating my light and fluffy pancakes I look down and I see my fluffy tan and white Corgi Stella .

She is just sitting there staring at me . She is the cutest little dog ever . I love her so much . She is still a puppy but not for much longer .

When I finish my pancakes my mom comes around and takes my plate .

"Thanks mom " ,I said in a happy voice again smiling at her .

"You are welcome sweetie" she replied smiling back at me.
She then walks over to the sink and starts washing the dishes.

After she took my plate I got up and walk over to where the dog food is . I bend down where we keep the small bag of food in a cabinet for our little dog .

When I bent  down my head started  hurt . I  fully sit down on the floor and hold on to my head . It hurt so bad I almost started to cry witch is really rare that I cry .My mom and my dad both look at me confused .

"Are you ok "'my dad ask.

"Yeah , yeah I'm fine just got an head ache ", I reply.

"Ok ... Wait did you take you pill yet ",my mom asked looking at me with a weird look on her face .

"No I have not", I say sarcastically .
My mom just looks at me shakes her head and rolls her eyes. Then my dad takes my pills and starts counting them.

"Dad I took them" ,I say looking at him like he was stupid.

"Oh ....... Ok",he said looking at the pills on the table .

My head finial stopped hurting and I get back up . I open the small door and I get the food for little Stella.

"Angel it's time for school " my sister said standing be hind me with her stuff ready to go to school.

"Oh sugar honey ice tea I forgot",I say running to where my book bag was .
I get my bag and my manga books off the table and I run out the door .

"Bye mom , bye dad",I say be for I leave .

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