Part Thirteen

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A/N Sorry short chapter, but needed the timely suspense! Next chapter to follow asap!

“Are you sure you don’t want to go out?” Luiz asked sliding his arms around Alexis’ waist, dragging her spine against his chest, his hands linking over her stomach as his lips lowered to her neck. She’d been sorting her laundry when Luiz arrived, a really romantic chore, but something she wanted to do before it got any later.

Lex shuddered as his teeth sank into the sensitive flesh of her shoulder, and her whole body tingled. Going out dancing was tempting, but on the other hand, eating take away, drinking wine and one of Luiz’s awesome massages could be just what the doctor ordered.

They’d been dating for a month, but no one in their group of friends knew, partly because they couldn’t cope with the hassle of it all. If things worked out then they’d have to come clean...and how long would it be until people noticed that if Luiz was absent from their group, then so was she?

“I really want to stay in, have some cassava fries...” she wriggled back against him; she’d loved the food she’d sampled so far in Brazil, and loved tasting new things. Luiz seemed to know exactly what to tempt her with.

Luiz laughed, “and a sandwich from your favourite vendor too? I’ll pick you a special flavour!”

She nodded, “and beer!”

He turned her in his arms and kissed her, “sounds amazing...but if I go out to provide this feast, then I’ll expect some...err...compensation!” His eyes glittered as he looked down at her, and she merely gave him a sexy, promising smile.

                “I’ll do my best!”

With a groan on anticipation he almost danced out of the door.


Peter found the apartment block with ease, but there was a concierge and an intercom system. If ha announced himself via her intercom, then she’d probably tell him where to go, push him away. Surprise was the only advantage he had. Suddenly the concierge answered a phone call, and dashed off; this was the time to get into the building.

Just as he thought he was going to have to bite the bullet and buzz her door, put the ball well and truly in her court, a man came out of the front door. Peter dashed over mumbled an “obrigado”, and slid into the thankfully cool reception. It took just a couple of minutes to find her door, and with his heart racing, his hand shaking, he knocked the door.

"What have you forgotten? You always forget something! " Usually his wallet, but quite often his coat, shirt...and once underpants! Alexis was smiling as she pulled open the door expecting to see Luiz who had obviously forgotten more than the key she’d recently given him. Then froze, her body seemingly suspended in mid air by the last thing she expected to see on her doorstep.

Peter didn’t hear any words, he merely drank her in, she was even more beautiful. Her skin was tanned, her face vibrant, eyes sparkling. The fact that she only wore a robe didn’t seem to register. He just saw her face and knew that this was where he wanted, where he needed to be.

"Oh Alexis!" it was even a treat to say her name.

Alexis was still trying to muster words, thoughts, unable to understand how the hell he happened to be in the doorway to her borrowed apartment, and it wasn’t until he smiled that she saw red, he had no remorse! He honestly felt he could arrive and just expect her to smile and say hello? She took a deep breath, "Don’t ‘Oh Alexis’ me!"

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