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Olivia smiled at her boyfriend and kept a tight hold on his hand. She knew what he meant by taking it easy. She knew she shouldn't drink so much, she knew it wasn't healthy but she felt like she had no control over it, she felt like she had no control over anything anymore. This whole situation with the priests and Ed and herself losing their job and their relationship coming out had been hell on her, physically and emotionally. She had barely slept, even when Ed was with her, holding her she just couldn't fall asleep.

Ed could see in her eyes that she was stressed and tired "Liv, honey what's the matter?" he asked using his free hand to rub her arm gently.

She just looked at him and sighed deeply

"Look we both got our jobs back and things will start to calm down, just give it time." he assured her

"I know" she said softly with a small smile "I'm just so tired, and I know you think I drink too much Eddy but it helps me."

"Why?"he asked "Why do you think it helps you?"

" numbs everything so I don't have to think about it." she replied avoiding his eyes

"Liv, baby that's not healthy... Look I know you've been through hell in the last few years and maybe even more than that can't run from it because sooner or later it will catch up with you." he said pulling her off her bar stool so she was standing between his legs. He wrapped his arms loosely around her waist.

"I know that Ed" she said the slightest break in her voice but he caught it.

"Let's get out of here" he said "We'll go back to your place and talk."

She only nodded her head slowly and he stood up and wrapped one arm around her waist as they left the bar and headed back to her place.

When they arrived at Olivia's house Ed slipped her coat off her shoulders and she took off her shoes as he did the same to himself then he went and settled on the couch and opened his arms.

"Come here Livvie" he said softly

She smiled and went and snuggled into his side and rested her head on his chest.

"Okay now tell me what's bothering my girl" he said running his hands through her hair.

Olivia smiled, when he first called her "His girl" she wasn't sure how she felt about it, but now she loved when he called her that. It meant she had someone in her corner. Someone who was looking out for her best interest for a change.

"I don't know, this whole thing with the Catholic church, me getting transferred, you almost having to retire and taking care of Noah." she said rubbing her forehead, she was starting to get a migraine.

"Well all that is over now and I'll help with Noah whenever you need" he said kissing her forehead "Want to tell me what else is bugging you?"

"Nothing" she lied and he knew it right away

"Liar" he chuckled lightly and tickled her making her giggle and squirm.

"Ed stop it!" she laugh trying to push his hands away

He laughed and stopped tickling her only to pull her in his lap "Okay now talk to me" he said

Olivia sighed and laid her head on his chest "I'm just tired Eddie" she sighed softly "And the nightmares..."

"Nightmares?" he asked instantly on full alert, he had no idea "About Lewis? Joe?"

"Both" she admitted and he noticed her hands start to shake a little.

"Baby both of those bastards are dead, they can't hurt you or anyone else ever again, and even if they were alive I would never let them get to you." he said holding her tighter to his chest and rubbing her back. He was flat out angry now, how dare these people hurt hid precious girlfriend the way they did.

He checked his anger though when he noticed Olivia staring at him, she actually looked a little frightened. He couldn't believe he didn't see this before now. They had been seeing each other for almost 6 months.

"I'm sorry Liv" he sighed and kissed her head "Why didn't you tell me all of this honey?"

"Because you had other things to worry about Ed, you didn't need me acting like a scared little child."

Ed was shocked "Olivia look at me" he said and when she didn't he softened his tone "Liv baby look at me." She finally did and he kissed her nose "You are my main priority, you and Noah. I love you both more than I ever thought possible, you are what matters to me sweetheart."

Olivia smiled and tried to hide the fact that she was exhausted but a yawn escaped her lips and Ed smiled before standing up and scooping her up in his arms, she started to protest but he stopped her

"Let me take care of you for once in your life Liv, for once let someone take care of you."he said "You spend so much time taking care of everyone else, let me take care of you girl"

Olivia smiled as he took her and put her in bed and covered her up before getting into bed beside of her. She snuggled up close to him and put her head on his chest

"You're a good man Ed Tucker" she said rubbing his muscular chest softly.

"Don't tell anyone" he said making her giggle. He kissed her head "Get some sleep baby, I'm right here."

And she did, she finally fell asleep and slept all through the night with no nightmares, she felt safe with him. She felt loved.

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