In The Beginning

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"Mom!" Lillia shouted from down the hall

"Yes, love?" I called

Lillia is my thirteen year old daughter, my beautiful angel. When I was 16, I got pregnant by some boy from my school. Every girl was head over heels for him, and so was I apparently. One night he came over to study, but it didn't quite end up with us quizzing each other on chemistry notes. Lillia was conceived, and once I found out, her father was already long gone. Turns out he was moving away, and didn't tell anyone where he was going. He left me alone and scared, I had to tell my parents how I was going to have a child at 16 years old, and had no idea where the boy who knocked up their daughter was. 

It turned out alright though, Lillia became my best friend, I moved out of my parents home and lived on my own. It wasn't that bad, sure some times were hard, but only having to pay for us two was nice. 

"Check this out, Guns N Roses is coming to the Strip!" Lillia said excitedly and shoved the magazine into my face

I laughed, "It appears so. But they're going to a bar, you're too young for that."

"I know! Which is why you are going." She said

"For what?" 

"To meet them, duh." Lillia rolled her eyes

"What makes you think they want to meet me?" I giggled

"Did you seriously just ask that question?" 

"Mom, you're young and you have a great daughter," 

I snorted, "And you're beautiful!" Lillia finished

"Take Stella with you! She's a handful and she'll surely get their attention." Lillia laughed

"You're going. Oh, and its tonight." Lillia grinned

"Of course it is. And what do you want me to tell them, since you're so sure that I'll meet them?" 

"Tell them, I love them." Lillia said 


"Stella, we really don't have to do this. Lillia just wants me to go so she can live her dreams through me." I chuckled

"No, no, are you crazy? We're going, like, its Guns N' Roses!" She shrieked

"I know, but I don't listen to them that much." I shrugged

"So nows the time to listen to them!" 

"I guess." I said

"Yes! Now lets get you dressed up!" Stella said and led me to the closet and picked out a skin tight dress

"Oh no. No, no, no!" I shrieked

"Why not?" She pouted

"I am not wearing that. Nothing that tight or short." I said and crossed my arms

"Fine." Stella pursed her lips and turned back to the closet, picking out a more sophisticated dress

"Better?" She scoffed

"Better." I grinned

"What if we do meet them?" Stella said

"Then that will be amazing." I answered

"What if they don't like me?" I asked

"What? Are you kidding? With that smile and those blue eyes, they'll be fighting over you. There will be riots." Stella said

"Oh stop." I blushed

"Woah you guys look great!" Lillia said from the doorway

"Thanks babe." Stella winked

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