Survivor (Supernatural) [Dean Winchester]

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These ideas, I swear...

This better be the last one, ever. (Well, that's already a lie.)

I think I just about hit almost every season known to Supernatural

*Title: Survivor

*Release: N/A

*Status: On hold and collecting dust. I honestly don't know if this will get picked back up or go into my plot shop for adoption.

*Seasons: 2-3

*MC faceclaim is currently undergoing crisis. Final decision is TBD.


"No time to rest, huh?"

"Never. Now, what can I get for you tonight?"

"I don't know. You tell me."


**Set in Seasons 2 and 3**

In which a bartender from a small town crosses paths with a flirty guy in a leather jacket who leads a rather dangerous life and finds herself wrapped up in the same life.

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