The One That Got Away

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Autumn leaves drifted to the ground as a light breeze blew past. The road was quiet and empty, as it always was. It was a longer walk home in this direction, but Leia didn't mind. The tranquility relaxed her, and it was what she needed right now.

"Still being stubborn and walking this path alone I see. Come on, I'll walk with you," a familiar voice sounded.

"B-Bevyn?!" Leia gasped in disbelief. She definitely did not expect to see her ex-boyfriend again. Or that he would talk to her at all for that matter. His house wasn't even in this direction.

"You know I've always told you to never walk this path alone, but you never listen do you? One day, someone's going to kidnap you or something," he chided, as he fell into step with her.

Leia stayed silent, unsure of what to do or say.

"Oh, by the way, Happy Birthday!" he turned, grinning widely.

"You... you remembered?" she whispered. The last time they spoke properly was 7 years ago, she was surprised that he still remembered.

He chuckled, "I remember the failed surprise present too. Imagine, all ready to buy what I thought was the best present you could ever get, and you found out because I was being such a muddlehead and texted the details to you instead of Andrea. On top of that, you hated what I was going to buy. I was crushed that day, truly."

"It was cute though... Just... I don't know... I can't picture myself carrying a bunny bag to school."

"Well, at least it's cute," he sighed. Leia laughed, as their past memories resurfaced in her mind.

"So... To make up for that, we're going to take a detour. What do you want for your birthday?" he wriggled his eyebrows. Her throat caught, it was a long time since she saw that look directed at her.

"Hello! Earth to Leia!" he waved in her face.

"I... You... Sorry, what?" Leia stuttered.

Bevyn snorted, before replying "I'm bringing you to buy your own present again."

"It-it's okay. You don't have to. I-I've never given you a present before anyway." Leia answered, flustered at the way things were heading.

"You're awfully awkward around me now, aren't you? Well fear not, I'll go off after I get you the present. You're not getting rid of me before then."


"Come on, there's got to something that you want! We'll look at the other shops!"

Leia sighed, letting herself get dragged to the next store.

"Leia! What are you doing here, I thought you went home!" Andrea exclaimed, rushing in her direction.

"Oh uh Andrea... Well umm.. Bevyn..."

"I dragged her out, but I'll give you two some time to talk," he winked. "Oh, and don't try escaping Leia. That is so not happening," he added, before heading off to the back of the store to check out the shelves of headphones.

"What just happened? Why are you with Bevyn? That is so not normal."

"He wants to get me a birthday present."

"What?! Since when were you guys close enough to be exchanging gifts? After the break-up anyway. By the way, he's shooting lovey dovey looks at you and I don't trust him. An ex with heart eyes. Nope. I smell trouble."

"He isn't... He's attached Andrea. You know that. Even if he wasn't... It wouldn't matter anyway. We're history."

"Did you ask? If he's still attached?"

"I... No..."

"You still wish, don't you? That the both of you had worked out?"

Buying lollipops that were too huge to be finished in a day, attempting to study together but ending up distracting each other, exploring the streets and writing stories together, gaming together, writing notes in class... The back hug... It all gave way to insecurities, quarrels, and angry fights...

"Hey Leia, these ones are good!" Bevyn yelled, pulling her out of memory lane. He gestured her over, pointing at the strikingly yellow set of headphones.

Yellow. The colour she hated. Guess he forgot after all. And he picked the wrong present yet again. Leia smiled sadly. What wouldn't she give to go back to the days when they were happy together, what wouldn't she give just to live those moments again. But she knew, she knew that that they were never meant to be. She wished though, she wished that all his past words and promises were true. That when he said he would wait for her for years, it meant a guarantee that they would be together for that long at least. But he took her heart and ripped it apart, and while at times it continued aching for him, she knew he would never fit back in the right way again. She could never right this wrong. Still, she was glad he was her first love. He taught her what it was like to be loved, to be cherished and most of all, the importance of communication. He taught her to be a better person, and even if he would never be hers again, she would be fine. She managed this long after all. Maybe one day, she'll find a new heart to treasure, to share the good times with, and to hold on forever and never let it go, for never would she want to experience again, the feeling of having the one get away.

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