Chapter Twenty--Explicit

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Chapter Twenty

About halfway back I stopped and asked myself what on Earth I was doing. I couldn't go and sleep in the same room as Amber, she'd crucify me. I'd probably end up waking up with half my hair chopped off.

Bouncing from heel to heel, I crossed my arms, and knew where I was going.

Liliana would have been my first choice, but after today she'd likely slam the door straight in my face—or chop my hair off herself. Ethan, on the other hand, would at least let me in and give me some advice. He was angry at me, but what I said to him was forgivable. I could make it up to him.

So I navigated my way towards the teachers' rooms. I hadn't been near them since the tour on my first day, but I was quite sure they were relatively close to the students' dorms. At least, I hoped they were.

I remembered each person's room having their name on it, so that was a blessing at least.

Keeping my arms wrapped around my waist and attempting to ignore the uneasy feeling in my stomach at the fact I was going to see Ethan again, I strode onwards. It was weird walking around the Academy in the middle of the night, but kind of calming. It was a spectacularly pretty building and at night I didn't have to deal with people.

Finally seeing a sign that directed me towards the teachers' rooms, I swallowed and pushed the door open.

It was probably a horrible mistake, if I got caught Ethan would lose his job, but I honestly wasn't sure what else to do. I could have gone and slept in a toilet cubicle on the floor and frozen to death, I supposed, but if someone saw me before I got to his room I could just say I was looking for advice since he was my personal tutor, anyway. That was believable.

I didn't recognise any of the first few names I came across. The people teaching the final years probably had some kind of excessively posh room on the top floor. I came across Ethan's room about half way down the corridor and took a deep breath before knocking, nerves hitting me like a train.

I really didn't want him to hate me.

He opened the door in just a pair of boxers and it was more than I could have hoped for. It was the first time I'd seen that toned chest and muscly legs without fabric covering them. Even if he slammed the door it might have been worth it. I gave him a quick once over before trying to control my gaze.

He dragged me into his room. "What are you doing here?" He eased the door shut quietly, flicking on his light and crossing his arms across his bare chest.

I shuffled uncomfortably. "I'm kinda scared to go back to my room, I think Amber might execute me in my sleep."

Any harshness on his expression softened and he slipped into a t-shirt. "What happened?"

"Amber and Leon broke up today and Leon came knocking on our door asking to speak to me, so Amber kind of dragged me out of the room and Leon told me he liked me." I shifted my weight. It was still a bit awkward, even though Leon had handled my response well. "So I think I'd probably be in for a pitch-forking if I returned."

He sat on the bed and I wasn't sure whether I was allowed to sit down next to him. I stayed standing.

"You're going to have to request to move dorms, you know?"

"I know," I admitted. This was definitely going to have pushed it over the edge. I wasn't actually worried about going to sleep until now, but I couldn't let Amber come near me whilst my defences were down. I was a little bit worried she was actually a psychopath. "You think they'll definitely let me change?"

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