Chapter Twenty-Eight--Explicit

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

I ended up putting on the balaclava far before it was necessary just because my face was cold. I was in good physical shape, so the walk was tedious rather than tiring. Music blasted into my ears, which was probably stupid when walking through somewhere I didn't know in the pitch black, but I didn't care. I was armed with a paintball gun and something that sounded eerily similar to a police siren. I'd probably scare off someone who attacked me pretty quickly.

I could at least see the power plant in the distance now. I'd had a look at the aerial view and made an educated guess as to where they'd be planning their attack. I was assuming they had a similar MO to the chemical plant attack; they didn't want to destroy anything that would release anything into the atmosphere and they probably wouldn't have enough explosives for that, anyway.

Liliana had never been clear about where she'd got the explosives from in the first place, though. She maybe could have got an arsenal if he wanted to.

So, I'd decided their main target would be the reception area and cafeteria for the workers. It was near to the perimeter and it wouldn't put the environment in danger, but it would have an impact on the daily running of the plant.

It made sense, at least from what I knew about the trio.

I was in the trees at the moment. They were my cover and I was loathed to leave them at all unless I had to. I was completely anonymous—I'd ordered myself a plain black pair of jeans, a plain black jumper, and a new pair of trainers yesterday that wouldn't be associated with me. My hair was pinned back in a bun, so it couldn't be seen at all.

I might have been in the trees, but I had a perfect view of the plant. There was about three hundred metres between where the trees ended and where the fencing began. I could see the reception sign.

My biggest fear right now was that the trio had taken the exact same route as me and were about to walk straight past me. That would be a disaster. I'd have to just shoot them and run, and that wasn't going to stop their master plan.

But they'd have driven, at least somewhere close by, so I hoped they were taking a different route to the same place.

My headphones were securely in my pocket now—I could hear every sound within earshot. There was an annoying owl nearby, but I tried to ignore it. I was listening for talking, or creaking branches, or something that would suggest life.

When a branch cracked, my head turned so fast I had to rub my neck afterwards. But I couldn't see anything. It was probably just a fox.

My gaze returned to the plant, and figures came into vision. I stared, frozen for a second. This was the moment of truth. Three figures in balaclavas—Liliana, Dean and Callum.

My paintball gun was heavy where it was strapped over my back and the siren weighed down my pocket. Ethan and I had gone to the edge of the grounds to try it out. We'd only been able to turn it on for a second before we'd panicked and switched it off again. This thing was loud.

I could only afford a couple of moments' of doubt. I stuck to the trees and pressed the siren on. I screwed up my face as it blared. This thing was leading any security guards straight to me if they emerged. I watched the trio start and turn around, staring right at me. I was behind a tree, though, and it was black. They couldn't see me. I was as close to the road as I could be—I hoped they'd think the siren was coming from there, even if there were no lights.

But when it came to fight or flight, they'd picked fight. Liliana continued to run forwards and I was forced to pull out my gun. She wasn't that far away, but I didn't know whether I could actually hit her or not. I tried, and got her in the arm. She faltered, her gaze coming towards me again. I didn't know whether she'd spotted me.

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