den y

37 5 1

den n fil r patnars at a nacler pwr plnt, thy wrk un makin atmic bumbs "fil" den ses, es fil pkes a mchin "fil" den repets. "wot den" fil ses. "fil tht es mi nucler bumb an ief u pok it 1 mur tim et wull explud." den ses. "o no den" fil ses "wot fil" den sters at fil intnsly and fil luges et den pin him 2 grund.

"fil wut u b duin" den ses scred of lusin his vergenati 

"i b sevin u" fil ses

ell of a sudn a bumb gus ef an den des and fil lives

fil is lest servivar un erth exept tebitha mi frend an tey reproduct th wurld

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