Chapter Four

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CARSON'S BEDROOM^^^^^^^^^^^^^


We both get out of the pool and dry off. Carson takes my hand and leads me up the stairs and inside. He tried to walk forward but I was too tired to move. I look at him with sad eyes and he gets the message. He carries me bridal style up the stairs and into his bedroom. He gently sat me down on the bed and walked through another door. After a minute, he walked out in just a pair of grey sweatpants. And I mean just a pair of grey sweatpants. He notices me staring and smirks. I blush, like always. He walks over to the bed and picks me up again and with one hand pulls one corner of the duvet back and tucks me under. He walks around to the other side and gets in. Within seconds, sleep pulls me under. 

I wake up and try to sit up but I can't. Something is holding me in place. I slowly open my eyes and notice it's Carson. "Carson," I say. "Hmm," He replies still half asleep. "Your crushing me," I say. At this, he wakes up and moves off of me. "Did I hurt you?" He asks while checking me for injuries. "No, I just had to pee, where's the bathroom?" "Through that door," He says while pointing to a white door. "Thanks," I say and then I give him a short kiss on the lips. I go do my business and then notice I'm still in my bikini. "Carson, what am I going to wear home?" I ask while walking back into the room. "Uhh, you can borrow something from Mia," He says. "Okay, I think I told my mom I'd be home around two," I say. I look at the bedside alarm clock and see that it's already twelve. "Want any breakfast?" Carson asks. "Sure," I reply. He grabs my hand and walks downstairs and into the kitchen. In front of us I see pancakes, waffles, bacon, eggs, hash browns, omelets, sausage, juice, cereal, etc. Literally any breakfast food you could imagine was there. "This looks amazing," I say still in awe of the food. "Our pack cook, Stella, does stuff like this all the time," He replies. "Wow," I say. "You get used to it after a while," He says. "I don't think I could ever get used to this," I reply.  He whispers in my ear, "Trust me, you will," Shivers run through my body. "That's if I decide to stick around," I say. He growls and I realize that I might have taken it too far. I put my hand on his arm and look directly in to his eyes and let him know that I'm sorry, he seems to calm down. But, not before he puts his face in my neck and I think he inhales my scent. I think that's a werewolf thing, hey look at me catching on. I sit down and fill my plate with sunny side up eggs, hash browns, bacon, and toast. Yum. But, my plate is nothing compared to Carson's. His is piled mile high with everything. "Are you going to eat all that" I ask in shock. "Werewolf appetite babe," He says with a smirk. 

At 1:45, Carson drives me home. He walks me to my door and gives me a simple kiss on the lips before getting in his car and driving away. Is it sad that I already miss him? Must be the mate bond thing that he was talking about. I say hi to my mom and tell her about my night with 'Mia'. She seems to believe it and I walk up the stairs and flop onto my bed. I think of things to do until tomorrow, when I can see Carson again. God, I miss him. I call Grace, Mia, and Ellie and we decide to go to the mall. I wanted to drive so I went back to the pack house to pick them up. I went inside and tried looking for Carson, but he was nowhere to be found. I found the girls and we all got back into my car and they showed me the way to the mall. "Where should we go first?" I ask. The three girls look at each other in a way that's scaring me. "Victoria Secret!" They yell in unison. "Oh no," I say. Grace says, "Aww come on Soph, if you and Carson are mates now, you're going to need some sexy lingerie," "Good point," I say finally giving in. "Okay fine, let'g go." "Yay!" They squeal. Mia grabs my arm and pulls me towards VS. They grab almost everything they can find in my size and make me try on all of it. From a pink lace bra and panties set to a black corset. I literally tried on almost everything in that store. We walked away with the pink lace, black lace, and the corset. We go to all the best stores. We went to American Eagle, Aeropostale, Abercrombie, Pacsun, Sephora, and Hollister. We buy shirts, skirts, dresses, jewelry and make up of course. I wanted to pay but the girls insisted on using their mates' credit cards and Grace brought Carson's for me. "Do you think he'll mind?" I ask still unsure if I should use it. "He would be  mad if you didn't," Ellie replies. "Okay, but it still doesn't feel right," I mumble quietly to myself. But I'm guessing because of their werewolf hearing, they heard it. We were walking towards the exit when I felt as though someone was staring at me. I didn't say anything at first and brushed it off as nothing, but as we got to the exit, the feeling was still there. I whispered as low as I could, knowing they'd hear me and said, "I think someone's staring at me since we came out of Sephora," Mia stops and kind of sniffs the air and then she grabs my arm and starts walking faster to my car. "Give me your keys," She says. I comply and give her my keys. She gets in the driver seat and I get in the passenger side. She speeds out of the parking garage and towards the pack house.

 We're on the highway and I hear the screech of tires and all of a sudden I'm upside down and  I know I'm bleeding. The girls and I are all screaming. I faintly hear the boys yelling for us and I whisper, "Carson," before everything goes black.

"Doc, do you know when she'll wake up?" I faintly hear Carson say. "At this point, it's up to her, is she wants to wake up then she will." An unknown voice says. I hear the door close and I'm pretty sure the doctor just left. I think it's just me and Carson, but I'm not sure. I hear him pull a chair up to my bedside and he grabs my hand. "Please Sophia. Please come back to me," He says. I try to squeeze his hand to let him know that I'm here and I just barely squeeze. He squeezes back letting me know he felt it. I try opening my eyes and I succeed. But, I'm blinded by a bright light and I close them again. I open them slowly this time and let them adjust before turning my head slightly to see Carson. A smile spreads on his face at the sight of my eyes. "You don't know how long I've been waiting to see those beautiful green orbs." He says, still smiling. I try to talk but my throat is really dry. I look around the room and see the cup. I try to reach for it but I feel this awful pain in my side. "Oh shit, sorry Sophia, I forgot about your throat, here," He says while holding the cup up to my lips. I drank all of it and then faintly whispered, "Hi," He just kept smiling. "How long was I out for?" I ask. "4 days," He answers. "What happened?" I ask. He just looks at the floor. "What happened?" I ask again. This time he answers, because he knows I'll just keep asking. "You, Mia, Ellie, and Grace, were hit by an SUV. Don't worry the others are fine, you got the worst of it. But, that's not even the worst part. We know this was a rogue and we think he was intending to hurt you." I don't answer but I'm scared. Just then the doctor comes back in and checks my vitals. He says I have stitches in the cut on my side, my head might hurt for a while because I hit it against the car roof during the crash and I fractured my arm. I have to come in for checkups every week. The good thing is I can go home tomorrow because I woke up but I'm on strict bedrest. The doctor leaves and my mom walks in. Carson gets the sense that she wants to talk to me alone and gives me a peck on the cheek and leaves.

"Honey, there's something I have to tell you." She says. Confused, I stay silent. She continues, "I know about werewolves." Shocked, I say, "What?" "Your father was one, which makes you half human, half werewolf. Early on, your father told me what he was and after getting over the initial shock, we had you, but I quickly realized, he was not who I thought he was. At first, he was nice and we were in love. He was my rock and the creator of my happiness at the time (A/N: Weird sentence I know, just go with it). He became cruel and demanding. So, I rejected him,  therefore, breaking the mate bond and any ties to him, and ran away. We only moved to Tampa, to get away from him." "How could you never tell me any of this?" I ask still in shock. "I never thought I'd need to but two things made me tell you. One, I knew you weren't at Mia's and I know about Carson. Also, those rogues that crashed into you today, were from your father. He's making a point to me and Carson that you are not safe." She says. At this, I'm really scared. "Can Carson come back now?" I ask, the tears nearly spilling over. "Sure honey, just please try to get some rest for me," She says getting up. "Okay," I say still fighting back the sobs. She kisses me on the head and walks out the door. The door doesn't even fully close before Carson walks in. He practically runs over to the bed and I scoot over allowing him to lay down next to me. "Did you hear everything?" I ask. "Yeah," He answers. Now the tears start to fall for many different reasons. "I have a dad, that's horrible, my mom kept it from me, and one of my friends could have gotten seriously hurt to prove a point about me," I say while burying my face in his t-shirt while sobbing. "Shh, shh, it's okay. No on but you was really hurt and I promise whoever did this to you is gonna pay," He says while holding me tight to his chest. 

Over the next few minutes, my sobs start to stop. I wipe my eyes and look at him. His hair looks like it hasn't be washed in days and he has bags under his eyes. "Carson have you showered or even slept once these past few days" I ask concerned for him. "What do you think?" He asks. "I think you need to shower," I say with a giggle and a small smile on my face. He smiles at the fact that I'm smiling. "Sophia, there's something that I have to tell you that you may not like." Kind of getting scared, I stay silent. "Because your half human, half werewolf, there's a chance that on your 17th birthday, you might shift into your wolf, and if you do, it will be the most painful thing, that's ever happened to you," He says. I gulp. "But there's only a chance, right?" I ask now very scared. He just nods his head. 



Do you guys think their relationship is moving to fast?

Also, I want to make this book about 26 chapters.



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