How do we end up like this,
Under a burning sky?
Some things are better unsaid
It's easier to lie
I'm pulling but my heart is on the wire
Don't need a thousand guards to lock me in
Doesn't take a fool to start a fire
A solitary spark and wars begin
Say it's only words
And that it will get easier with time
Nothing's only words
That's how hearts get hurt
I can't, I can't, I can't stop hearing
All the words you said
I can't stop hearing
All the words you said
I can't stop hearing
All the words you said
I can't stop hearing words
That's how hearts get hurt
How did it all come to this?
We started off as friends
It makes it easy to leave
If we're strangers by the end
I'm pulling but my heart is on the wire
Don't need a thousand guards to lock me in
Doesn't take a fool to start a fire
A solitary spark and wars begin
Say it's only words
And that it will get easier with time
Nothing's only words
That's how hearts get hurt
I can't, I can't, I can't stop hearing
All the words you said
I can't stop hearing
All the words you said
I can't stop hearing
All the words you said
I can't stop hearing words
That's how hearts get hurt
You say it's only words
And that it will get easier with time
Nothing's only words
That's how hearts get hurt
You say it's only words
It doesn't matter if they're yours or mine
Nothing's only words
That's how hearts get hurt
I can't, I can't, I can't stop hearing
All the words you said
I can't stop hearing
All the words you said
I can't stop hearing
All the words you said
Let's stop using words
That's how hearts get hurt
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