Everyone Has A Sick Day.

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Originally posted by intelligentipauca

Summary: Imagine Barry knows when you're sick even though you try and tell me you feel fine.

Titled: 'Everyone Has A Sick Day'

Pairing: Barry x reader

Warning: FEELS

A/N: I just got over being sick recently and I binged the Flash of course so that's is why this is a thing now. I hope you enjoy!

Tagging: @plaidandwhiskeydean @sincerelysaraahh @bovaria @kaz2y5-imagines @mkay-chan @castiels-colette @xdreamxloverx @training-wolves @thegirlwiththeimpala @the-mrs-dean-winchester @torn-and-frayed @spnfeelstrain @supernatural-fandomassbutt @vividimagines @isabella-mae13

"Honey, I'm home." Barry absolutely loved the feeling he got when he said that to you after coming from a long day's work in the lab.

After you and Barry got married and you found a place in Central City. It was an apartment and it didn't seem like a lot but it was enough for you and Barry.

Barry was confused. when you didn't say anything back to him after slung his laptop bag on the arm chair and his briefcase on the floor beside it. He decided the best place to look for you first was in the kitchen. You're always in there.

Barry was right. You were in the kitchen mixed up in textbooks, notebooks, note cards, pens, and anything you could manage to fit on your tiny kitchen table. You were head was down and you were fast asleep on the table.

Your hands held your head up a little bit. Barry assumed you put your head down for one second to take a break from studying and you fell asleep. Barry looked over at the calendar and he realized your college finals were tomorrow!

He smiled down at your sleeping figure. He felt bad for you. He knew how hard you've worked and then he remembered that it would soon all pay off.

He went to wake you up and move you into the bed. He wouldn't mind taking a nap himself. He kissed your forehead and it felt warmer than usual. That's when he decided he should wake up. "Hey, Y/N. Y/N" He whispered softly in your ear.

Your eyes shot open when you realized Barry was already home and that he was waking you up. "Hey it's okay Y/N. Do you feel okay?" Barry pushed the hair out of your face behind your ear. He knelt down in front you. "Yeah I just dozed off for a little while." Honestly you felt horrible. Your head wouldn't stop hurting. Every time you swallowed it felt like broken glass traveling down your throat.

You couldn't be better. You tired to smile it off but Barry saw right through you and you could tell. Barry raised an eyebrow and put his hand on your forehead this time. His cool hand gave you a quick chill. "You're hot." Barry declared.

"Thank you." You croaked. Barry sighed at you and laughed. "What am I going to do with you?" Barry smiled as he shook his head at you. "You can let me go to my finals?" You said trying to sound perfectly fine. "That is out of the question." You knew it wasn't even worth arguing with Barry about it because you know Barry wasn't going to change his mind.

"Okay fine you win. I'll email my professors right now." You gave up faster than you usually would. Barry knew that you didn't feel good then. Barry clapped his hands together and quietly yelled yes! You sat up better in your chair and turned your laptop back on. You quickly sent a message to each and everyone one of your professors saying you were sick and you will be unable to attend the testing.

"It's done." You said shutting your laptop down and closing all of your books. Barry sat across from you at the kitchen table eating left overs from last night. "Good." He said in mid chew. "You want anything to eat? I could make you something." Barry asked you. He was so incredibly sweet. How did you get so lucky with Barry Allen?

"I'm good, Honey. My stomach hurts a little bit." You sniffled. "Maybe that's because you're hungry." Barry pointed out to you. "I don't think that's the case." You chuckled. "Well despite your protests woman I am making you something!" Barry announced. "You're the Flash not the The Chef." You said sarcastically.

"Shush!" Barry put a finger up to his lips laughing with you. Barry was making you feel better already. He was giving the best kind of medicine. Laughter. But it didn't last. Your stomach gurgled and you leaned over in your seat from the sudden stomach pain. Barry was at your side in a flash it felt like.

You sat upright when you got up and ran straight to the bathroom. Barry wasn't far behind you. You threw yourself onto the floor and in front of the toliet. You began throwing up the contents of your stomach.

When you looked it made you throw up even more. You finally stopped throwing up after what felt like forever when there was anything left in your stomach. You closed your eyes and took a few deep breaths. You reached your hand up and flushed the toilet. You laid your head back on Barry's chest. He was there for you holding your hair every step of the way.

"How do you feel, Y/N?" Barry asked you. It was probably a stupid question to ask but he still worried about you. "I feel worse now than I did before." You admitted. Barry just nodded his head. He helped you on your feet and lead you into the bed. "I'll be right back okay?" He told you as he laid you down on the bed.


Originally posted by atravelgirl

And he was just like he said. He brought a bottle of ginger ale and plate with a few crackers on it. He placed those things on your bed side table. You sat up a little bit and reached for the ginger ale. You took a few sips of that and it settled your stomach at least. "You got to eat the crackers too, Y/N." Barry reminded you.

"Yes, I know Doctor." You said in a hoarse voice. You liked that nickname and Barry seemed too as well. " Well as your doctor may I remind you, I am here to make you feel better." He joked with you. You ate two crackers and drank a little more ginger ale. Barry sat at the end of bed watching you. You set everything down back on your bedside table and laid down.

"I'm tired again." You yawned pulling the covers up. Then the second they are on you pull them off. You were hot again. "I haven't given you anything for your fever yet! I forgot!" Barry exclaimed as he got up. He came back with two tyenol for you take. "Here you go, Y/N." Barry said to you as he handed you your pills. "Thank you Barry." You wiped your eyes.

"You get some rest, okay Y/N." Barry tucked you in the bed and made you were all comfy and your pillows were fluffed and all. "Barry." You said with you eyes already shut. "Yes?" Barry turned his head around. "Will you lay down me with me?." You said it this time with your eyes open. "Yeah okay." Barry said climbing in the bed with you.

"Feel better Y/N."

"Okay Love you Barry."

"Love you too, Y/N" Barry told you as he pulled you against him.

The End!

I hope y'all like this one as well! Remember requests are welcome!

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