B5 story- Heartbroke

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Dustin pov: 

Dustin : I promise nothing will happen if you just bare with me for a couple more minutes.(whispers)

Amie: I can't Dustin! We are going to die I feel it we have no food and we are in the middle of no where and there is a group of people who are out there somewhere killing people how are we going to be okay?! ( whispers)

Dustin: Amie can you just please trust me on this I promise I will give my self up before I let something happen to you I promise you okay? Just be quiet cause they are going to hear us (whispers)

Amie: I just love you to much... I dont know how we got each other in this mess and I don't know how we are going to survive this and there is something I been meaning to tell you...

There was a pause. As the foot steps got closer, they begin to cry. While Dustin is thinking of where could his brothers be. Lost in the middle of Sinra Creek Woods people could be dying, his brothers could be dying. Something got closer. Soonly, it walked away while they sigh in relief Dustin still is wondering what she had to tell him.

Amie: Honey, I'm preganant... I meant to tell you but, I didnt know how.

Dustin: -Crys- Im such a horrible person, not only am I putting you in danger but our child.

Amie: I love you.. - walks out into open-

She was spotted. Grabbed and killed.

Dustin: Please dont!! Amie!!!!

Person: Sorry but its in my nature -chuckles and slits neck- Hey but now you and your family are safe. Its called sacrafice now go home.

I sat there for hours... Why does it have to be me. Patrick and Bryan walked up. 

Patrcik: Why are you still here? We are free.. 

Bryan: Come on bro.. It's time to go home.

( At the house ) 

We all walked in the house to my mom sitting on the couch.

Adrian: Oh lord!! My babies!! -Hugs all of us- You guys are okay I was worried sick. I thought you guys had got hurt. 

I walked away and went up to my room, layed down on my bed and just cried.

( Downstairs) 

Adrian: What is wrong with Dustin, what happen.

Adrian Pov:

I walk up to his room and his door is locked. I knew there was something wrong with him I could see it in his eyes. I unlock the door and walk in. He was crying.

Adrian: Baby whats wrong? What happen...

Dustin: My child...Gone -cries-

Carnell walked in trying to easedrop.

Adrian: Carnell get out !! close the door. Now what happen who's kid??


My mouth dropped. I didnt know what to exactly tell him but sorry. I knew how it felt though.

Adrian: Honey its going to be okay.. There was a time when I was with someone and he was attached to me and actually all 5 of you as well. He died and your to young to remember but I really loved him so I know how you are feeling right now, I am going to just let you have some time to your self and hopefully you will recover but know that she is still there and she will all ways be here even when you feel like she isnt she is in your heart D. I love you -Hugs and kisses- 

I walk out and go to my room. Jim walks in.

Jim: Are you okay? You seem down...

Adrian: Well, the boys are back and Amie is dead not only that she was pregnant. 

Jim: With who baby? I hope not Dustin cause there already enough in this house.

Adrian: Yes, Dustin child. I am worried that they are going to figure out what and why this all is happening and I dont want that to happen. I wouldnt know how to expalin.

Jim: -Grabs her hand- Its going to be okay trust me they wont firgure out and if they do we wil both explain. 

I looked over Jim and saw Kelly and Bryan walk away.

Adrian: Boys!! I can explain.

I prant to Bryan room were I find him and Kelly.

Bryan: Its worst enough that Dad isnt here and I cant know why so what the hell else are you hiding.

Adrian: Lets start off with you will not swear at me in my home! So check your attitude.

Kelly: You know Mom family means trust! Family doesnt keep secrets we tell each other everything and you are not telling the truth so what is it !!

Jim: Let me explain...


**( If you like it let me know and I will continue it)**

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2013 ⏰

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