Chapter 1

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Title: Journey to the Past

Author: Wereleopard58

Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo

Rating: FRAO

Spoilers: All of NCIS

Summary: The team have to go to Philadelphia and meet up with some of those that DiNozzo used to work with. Things come to the for front of what really happened and but Tony into the cross-hairs.

Disclaimer. I own nothing to do with NCIS

N/B Thank you to Em for beta'ing this you have done an amazing job for what I gave you. Sorry for all the hard work of going through my stories.

Chapter One

Tony DiNozzo sighed as he stood outside of Philly P.D, staring up at the imposing building. His heart was beating so fast and noisily that it felt like everyone could hear it. All he wanted to do was turn away and never come back. This was the last place he wanted to be. There were too many memories and most were not good ones. He truly hoped that everything had been forgotten. After all it hadn't been his fault. There was nothing he could have done to change the situation he had found himself in back then.

Gibbs, McGee and Ziva were already inside the building. Tony knew he should be in there but he just needed a moment to catch his breath. How where the rest of the team going to react if everything came to light? How would Gibbs react?

Tony trusted them all, they were his family. He loved them all, some more than others. They wouldn't turn him away, he hoped. His fear of being left alone almost choked him. This was something he had to deal with no matter what, he knew he didn't have a choice in the matter.


Captain Marks was glaring at Special Agent Gibbs, he hated when he was forced to hand over his cases because the victim was a naval officer. He didn't see why his men couldn't solve the crime. It was very similar to a case he had handled many years ago, but he didn't tell the agent that. Hopefully he would not know and just close this one down quickly.

He turned away to pick up the file from his desk, noticing that the office had become a lot quieter, when his office door opened and then closed.

"This is my Senior Field Agent Anthony DiNozzo." Gibbs said abruptly when Tony had joined them, whilst glaring at the young man briefly for his late arrival.

Marks froze, his hand on the paperwork. He had to be hearing things, this was not a name he had heard in 12 years. Slowly he looked up and stared into a pair of familiar hazel eyes, ones that still haunted his dreams after all of this time.

"DiNozzo good to see you." Marks stated.

" So how long have you been with NCIS? Coming up to the 18 month mark?"

Tony just stared at him and shook his head, he knew that this was going to be difficult. It was obvious by the look in Marks' eyes.

Gibbs looked between the two men, he could tell there was something more going on here and he was going to find out what is was. He hoped that it was not going to cause a problem for this case. "Special Agent DiNozzo has worked for me for 10 years." Gibbs answered.

Marks turned and looked at him, shock clearly showing in his widening eyes. He had followed Tony's career for a little bit and had noticed that he didn't stay at any place too long. What was it about NCIS? What was it about Agent Gibbs that made Tony want to stay. Jealousy ate at him.

Suddenly Marks blurted out "10 years, you must be something special Special Agent Gibbs"

Tony's eyes flashed in anger and he had to bite his tongue. He knew from the tone of Mark's voice that something more personal was meant. He wasn't going to get into a slanging match as nothing good would come from that. It was now obvious that everything was going to come out, Gibbs wasn't that stupid not to hear that something had happened in the past.

"What?" Gibbs turned and glared at Marks. Tony took some satisfaction from how Marks backed away from Gibbs. "Special Agent DiNozzo is good at his job. What he needed was a boss who treated him with respect. We'll be in touch if we need anything." Gibbs stated dryly.

Marks read in those underlying words that NCIS would only talk to him if there was no other choice.

Tony turned and looked at some of the other officers from back in the day. With his head held high he walked out, followed by his team-mates, ignoring the stares that followed them. Tony felt as if he had a bulls-eye on his back.


"DiNozzo, what the hell was that about?" Gibbs ordered.

"I can't, it's nothing and I never, not with him." DiNozzo stuttered.

Gibbs watched him for just a moment longer.

"Hotel rooms are sorted, let's go and look over these files." Gibbs grabbed hold of Tony's arm and waited until McGee and Ziva were at the car. "This is not over, you're going to tell me everything that happened as it wasn't nothing."

"Didn't think it was boss." Tony sighed. This was hell and it was going to get a lot worse.


Tony stared at the files but couldn't believe it. He had to be wrong.

"Uhhh boss." Tony muttered.

"What is it DiNozzo?" Gibbs replied, his mind still on what Marks had said. It wasn't just the fact that he disrespected his SFA that bothered him, but that there was more to it.

"Were any other cases brought up when you spoke to Captain Marks?" Tony asked.

The rest of the team turned to look at him.

"No, why?" Gibbs replied.

"This is very similar to a case I was involved in when I worked here. I don't know what happened with it after I left for Baltimore." Tony said.

"Ziva, McGee, get back there and get the info on this case. DiNozzo you and I need to talk, now."

Ziva and McGee gave Tony a commiserating look before heading out of the door.

"Does this have to do with what Marks said?"

Tony sighed, 'the only way this day could get any worse was if Gibbs found out how he felt about him' Tony thought.


Marks opened the drawer and pulled out a very worn picture. He rubbed his thumb over the face, the younger face of Tony DiNozzo.

"We could have worked things out." He whispered. "We still can."

Finally the face he had dreamt of for 12 years had turned up into his life once again. This time Anthony would be his.


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