Chapter 11

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(Samantha’s POV)

“SAM!” I heard a familiar voice shout from downstairs. Quickly making my way down I spotted the person who that voice belonged to.

“Hi Mari!” I jumped on the kitchen table taking a green apple from a bowl next to me. Logan was in front of the stove stirring up something inside a pot.

“Are you busy today Sam?” Marissa asked

“Nah I just thought I’d work on some old projects. That reminds me… KENDALL WHERE IS MY LAPTOP?” I shouted the last part. I could hear Logan chuckle lightly.

“He’s not home” Said Marissa heading over to the fridge “I thought the girls could go out for a bite and…” she trailed of looking at me a bit strange “What is that?” she pointed at my neck.

“What’s what?” I asked innocently, Logan turned to see what Marissa was talking about and his eyes widened.

“Looks like somebody got naughty and relived her teenage years” she said with a wink. I slyly looked at Logan, his eyes were big and his cheeks had a pink blush on them. He mouthed an ‘I’m sorry!’ and turned his attention back to the stove and my face reddened at the thought of last night. “Come one, you have got to spill about this mystery guy of yours!” she said with a squeal “I’ll call Lex and tell her to be ready. We can talk over some food. I want to know who the lucky guy is”

“Motherfucker!” Logan cursed as he clutched his hand. Mari and I looked at him. “Sorry, burned my hand”

“Marissa I’ll be right back” I said hopping off the counter “I’m just going to change clothes”

Looking through my closet I found a yellow top that would go perfect with my denim jacket. All I needed was to search through the pile of clean laundry on my desk to find it.

I inspected my hair closely before going on the hunt for my jacket. That little bastard! I craned my neck to get a better look. I can’t believe Logan gave me a hickey ugh… He is so going to pay.

I took my phone and sent a quick text to Logan. ‘What the fuck Logan, a HICKEY! What am I supposed to say to the girls when they ask?’

His reply didn’t take long ‘Sorry got caught up in the moment ;) as for the girls IDK!’

Hopefully the collar of the jacked covered my neck and they won’t ask too many questions.


“Come on we’ve been dying to know. Stop changing the subject and tell us his name!” Alexa said with excitement.

I am so going to kill him when I get home!!!!!

“What do I have to do to make you stop pestering me about the subject?”

“A name… maybe” Marissa said with a smirk

Great… now I have to come up with a fucking name to get them off of my back!

“I will give you a name and nothing more! His name is… Asher. Happy?” I gave them a fake grin and turned back to my food.


Lex and Mari wanted me to go shopping with them, but I just wasn’t in the mood.

I take the key out of the ignition, close my car’s door and head inside. The only light inside the house was provided by the TV in the living room. The person in front of it turned to look at me.

“Hey Sammy had fun chatting with the girls?” Logan said in a teasing tone then turned his attention back on the screen.

Now’s my chance.

I walked up to him, he was sitting in the couch facing the TV, my hands massaged his neck and shoulders slowly working their way down to his chest. He settled in his seat letting me know with his actions that he was enjoying it.

I lowered my head to his ear and whispered seductively “You like that?” he replied with an “mhm!”

Still at his ear I continued to whisper “You know, I had to tell the girls I was seeing a guy named Ashton.” I know that when you play with fire you get burnt, but this was so tempting. “You made me lie to my friends” My hands continued their journey south from Logan’s chest. “That’s not nice” He took in a shaky breath once my hands reached his stomach “I don’t like visible love bites Logan” I traced the shell of his ear with my tongue and just as I was about to cup him through his pants he grabbed me and in one swift movement I was underneath him.

“Two can play at that game Sammy” He took my hands and held them above my head with one of his. His eyes burned with lust, they were hypnotizing. His free hand skimmed my stomach under my shirt.


“Who’s Logan? Call me Asher” he teased my lips by brushing his over them. He did as I did to him and traced my ear with the tip of his tongue. His hot breath hitting my neck making goosebumps erupt in my skin.

One of his knees parted my legs and connecting our lips together he started to grind his thigh to my sex. I moaned at the friction and soon wrapped my legs around his waist wanting to feel his erection rub against my aching core.

Just when his hand was cupping my bra-covered breasts the door flew open.

“Sam I brought you ice cream!” Kendall said walking onto the kitchen.

Logan and I sat up and as I walked away he gave me a smug look.

What am I getting myself in to? 

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