Back to school

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Harry hugged Mrs Weasley silently wishing that it was someone else saying goodbye to him before he left for school.
Though his best friends whose was currently with did not know it Harry Potter had not spent the summer with his aunt but his godfather.
Sirius black had been believed guilty of murder but when the new security at Hogwarts revealed that the man he was supposed to have killed was living as Harry's best mate Ron's pet rat Sirius had been realised and the first thing he had done was go and get Harry.
Unfortunately Harry had had to go to Ron's the night before as it was the full moon. Full moons ment that Harry's two Uncles went out as Remus Lupin his godfathers best friend was a wear wolf.
The three friends boarded the train and Harry said "let's find a compartment there's something I need to tell you."
"Come on every where else is full" Hermione said and the three entered a compartment with a man already in asleep. When Harry saw him he had to stop himself from laughing. It was Remus Lupin.
"Who do you reckon he is?" Ron asked and before Harry could answer Hermione said "Prefacer R J Lupin it's on his case."
"Ok so let me tell you about my summer" he told them how two days in to the holiday Sirius had shown up and taken him and how he had met some more of his dad's friends and lots of fun stuff like Quiditch all summer then he showed them Sirius parting gift a new top of the line fire bolt which Ron spent a long time envying.
"you can have a go at school" Harry told him.
They talked till the witch with the lunch trolly was close and as if he had heard which Harry thought he might have woke up and laughed.
"well what is anyone eating?" He asked before buying all there lunch despite Ron and Hermione's protests.
"So cub are you going to make the introduction or will I have to do it my self?"
"Right sorry guys this is uncle Remus 'moony' Lupin he was one of dads best friends. Uncle moony this is Ron and Hermione."
"Very pleased to meet you and Harry am guessing you didn't know I'd be here I had thought that old dog may have let something slip." He said then there was a growl from under the cloak next to him and a big black dog jumped down and started trying to lick Harry's face.
"Getof Padfoot." Harry said and the dog obeyed before turning back in to Harry's godfather Sirius Black.
"Sorry pup. And moony what do you mean old I am not old."
Harry laughing got out "you said two days ago you where to old to be playing Quiditch at 8am."
"You are as old as me Padfoot old friend get used to it." Remus told him. The rest of the trip passed with Sirius and Remus telling the three baby story's about Harry making them laugh when the story of how Sirius had tort the baby to call James prongs not daddy and how his first word was moony which had annoyed lily to no end.

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